Kamis, 29 April 2010


Idiom adalah frase yang maknanya tidak dapat diperoleh dari kata per kata dalam frase tersebut, tetapi harus dipahami sebagai satu kesatuan yang utuh.

Beberapa idiom yang sering digunakan beserta artinya, sebagai berikut:
1. to get on = menaiki
2. to get off = turun (dari kendaraan)
3. to put on = memakai
4. to take off = melepas
5. to call up = menelepon
6. to turn on = menghidupkan
7. to turn off = mematikan
8. right away = secepatnya/segera
9. to pick up = mengambil
10. to get up = bangun
11. at first = pada mulanya
12. to wait for = menunggu
13. at last = pada akhirnya
14. to find out = menemukan
15. to look at = menatap
16. to look for = mencari
17. little by little = pelan-pelan
18. tired out = sangat lelah
19. to call on = mengunjungi
20. to pick out = memilih
21. to take one’s time = tidak terburu-buru
22. on purpose = dengan sengaja
23. to get along = membuat kemajuan
24. to take out = mengeluarkan
25. to take part = berpartisipasi
26. to wait on (upon) = melayani
27. so far = sampai saat ini
28. to take a seat = duduk
29. to try on = mencoba (pakaian)
30. to think over = mempertimbangkan
31. to take place = berlangsung
32. to look out = hati-hati
33. to catch cold = sakit demam
34. to make up one’s mind = memutuskan
35. to get over = pulih dari
36. to call off = menunda
37. to leave out = melewatkan
38. to count on = bergantung pada
39. out of order = tidak berfungsi
40. to get to = tiba
41. to point out = menunjuk
42. to be over = berakhir
43. to be about to = baru saja akan
44. to take turn = bergantian
45. to go on = berlanjut
46. over and over = berulang-ulang
47. to be in charge for = bertanggung jawab
48. to have a good time = menikmati waktu
49. once in a while = kadang-kadang

1. When I say that I get there at ten o’clock. I mean at ten o’clock I….
a. left there
b. arrived there
c. stayed there
d. waited there

2. If I say John is making out well in his work, I mean that he…..
a. likes his work
b. is succeeding
c. is leaving
d. is about to begin

3. I want to pick out a present for my friend
a. select
b. take
c. bring
d. give

4. The accident takes place on fifth avenue
a. occurs
b. crashes
c. gets
d. collides

5. They get on the train in Washington
a. go
b. board
c. hait
d. use

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