Idiom adalah frase yang maknanya tidak dapat diperoleh dari kata per kata dalam frase tersebut, tetapi harus dipahami sebagai satu kesatuan yang utuh.
Beberapa idiom yang sering digunakan beserta artinya, sebagai berikut:
1. to get on = menaiki
2. to get off = turun (dari kendaraan)
3. to put on = memakai
4. to take off = melepas
5. to call up = menelepon
6. to turn on = menghidupkan
7. to turn off = mematikan
8. right away = secepatnya/segera
9. to pick up = mengambil
10. to get up = bangun
11. at first = pada mulanya
12. to wait for = menunggu
13. at last = pada akhirnya
14. to find out = menemukan
15. to look at = menatap
16. to look for = mencari
17. little by little = pelan-pelan
18. tired out = sangat lelah
19. to call on = mengunjungi
20. to pick out = memilih
21. to take one’s time = tidak terburu-buru
22. on purpose = dengan sengaja
23. to get along = membuat kemajuan
24. to take out = mengeluarkan
25. to take part = berpartisipasi
26. to wait on (upon) = melayani
27. so far = sampai saat ini
28. to take a seat = duduk
29. to try on = mencoba (pakaian)
30. to think over = mempertimbangkan
31. to take place = berlangsung
32. to look out = hati-hati
33. to catch cold = sakit demam
34. to make up one’s mind = memutuskan
35. to get over = pulih dari
36. to call off = menunda
37. to leave out = melewatkan
38. to count on = bergantung pada
39. out of order = tidak berfungsi
40. to get to = tiba
41. to point out = menunjuk
42. to be over = berakhir
43. to be about to = baru saja akan
44. to take turn = bergantian
45. to go on = berlanjut
46. over and over = berulang-ulang
47. to be in charge for = bertanggung jawab
48. to have a good time = menikmati waktu
49. once in a while = kadang-kadang
1. When I say that I get there at ten o’clock. I mean at ten o’clock I….
a. left there
b. arrived there
c. stayed there
d. waited there
2. If I say John is making out well in his work, I mean that he…..
a. likes his work
b. is succeeding
c. is leaving
d. is about to begin
3. I want to pick out a present for my friend
a. select
b. take
c. bring
d. give
4. The accident takes place on fifth avenue
a. occurs
b. crashes
c. gets
d. collides
5. They get on the train in Washington
a. go
b. board
c. hait
d. use
Kamis, 29 April 2010
THE DEFINITE AND INDEFINITE ARTICLE (Kata Sandang Tak Tentu dan Tertentu)
Dalam tata bahasa Inggris, banyak kata digunakan untuk membatasi arti dari kata benda. Tiga diantaranya adalah a, an, dan the. Kata-kata ini dimnamakan THE ARTICLE (Kata Sandang).
1. Kita menggunakan “a” :
a. sebelum kata yang dimulai dengan bunyi konsonan-huruf mati
a book
a pen
a UNESCO (baca: e yunesco)
a university (baca: e yuniversiti)
a one-eyed man (baca: e wan aid maen)
a union (baca: e yunien)
b. untuk benda yang kita dapat hitung
a boy (seorang remaja laki2)
a bag (sebuah tas)
a cat (seekor kucing)
a tall girl (seorang gadis yang tinggi)
a house (sebuah rumah)
2. Kita menggunakan “an” :
a. sebelum kata yang mulai dengan bunyi hidup = a, i, u, e, o
an apple
an exam
an umbrella
an SCTV (baca: en aes ci ti vi)
an SMA student (baca: en aes em ei)
an FBI (baca: en ef bi ai)
b. sebelum kata yang mulai dengan huruh “h” yang lemah
an hour (baca: en auer)
an honest boy (baca: en anes boi)
an heir (baca: en eir)
an honor (baca: en aouer)
c. untuk benda yang kita dapat hitung
an apple
a table
an egg
3. Arti yang lazim daripada “a” or “an”
a. a = satu, sebuah, suatu
She works in an office
I bought a newspaper
b. a = setiap/masing-masing
This room is five dollars a week
He got Rp 25,000 a day
c. a/an = seorang, seekor, sebutir, sebuah, etc
I am a teacher
You are a student
A cat is an animal
There is a bird
Hasnah is an engineer
4. Kita menggunakan “the”
a. disebutkan sebelumnya
There is a man in the cafĂ©. “The” man is very tall.
b. dicirikan/dikhususkan oleh kata sifat dan kita tahu benda yang mana yang dimaksud
Which bag do you want? (Yang mana tas yang kamu inginkan?) I want the blue bag. (Saya mau tas yang biru)
This is the best book I have ever read (Inilah buku yang pernah saya baca)
c. dicirikan/dikhususkan oleh kata, frase, atau anak kalimat
The girl in blue is a doctor.
The road to Jakarta is very busy.
The house where I live in is old.
d. dicirikan oleh kontek atau situasi yang mana benda atau orang itu yang dimaksud
As I was strolling along the street, I looked at the clothes in the store.
My mother is cooking in the kitchen.
Please pass me the salt.
e. dicirikan/dikhususan oleh kontek atau kita mengharapkan pendengar tahu yang mana yang kita maksudkan
It is dark. Can you turn the light on?
Ann had to catch the train, so I took her to the station.
5. Kita tidak menggunakan a, an atau the :
a. sebelum kata benda tak dapat dihitung dan kata benda itu tidak memiliki bentuk jamak, contoh: water, advise, information, milk. Kita tidak bisa mengatakan a water, an infromation, a milk, etc
We drink water
I need your advice
I have information for you
She drinks milk
b. sebelum kata benda jamak dapat dihitung, contoh: bags, houses, cars, etc. Kita bisa mengatakan the bag, tapi kita tidak bisa mengatakan a bags, an houses, a cars, etc.
I have a lot of bags.
She has many cars
His parents have many houses.
c. sebelum kata benda ketika apa yang kita maksudkan adalah sesuatu yang umum (seperti kalimat umum di dalam bahasa Indonesia), contoh kata: English, tennis, justice, etc.
Tina is good at Mathematics and English
Tom is fond of tennis, basket, and chess.
Honesty is my principle.
d. pokok-pokok berita, pengumuman, daftar-daftar, dan garis-garis besar
Man found dead in car
Car exploded, 5 dead
6. Penggunaaan ‘the’ yang tidak sesuai aturan di atas, tapi telah terbiasa digunakan
The Soviet Union (Uni Soviet)
The United States of America (Amerika Serikat)
The United Kingdom of Great Britain (Inggris Raya)
The Republic of Indonesia (Republik Indonesia)
The United Arab Emirates (Uni Emirat Arab)
The Netherlands (Belanda)
The Philippines (Pilipina)
The Dominion of Canada (Dominion Kanada)
The City of New York (Kota New York)
The province of Bengkulu (Propinsi Bengkulu)
The Balkasn (Balkan)
The Congo (Kongo)
The Sudan (Sudan)
The Hawaian Island (Pulau Hawaii)
The West Indies (India Barat)
1. Kita menggunakan “a” :
a. sebelum kata yang dimulai dengan bunyi konsonan-huruf mati
a book
a pen
a UNESCO (baca: e yunesco)
a university (baca: e yuniversiti)
a one-eyed man (baca: e wan aid maen)
a union (baca: e yunien)
b. untuk benda yang kita dapat hitung
a boy (seorang remaja laki2)
a bag (sebuah tas)
a cat (seekor kucing)
a tall girl (seorang gadis yang tinggi)
a house (sebuah rumah)
2. Kita menggunakan “an” :
a. sebelum kata yang mulai dengan bunyi hidup = a, i, u, e, o
an apple
an exam
an umbrella
an SCTV (baca: en aes ci ti vi)
an SMA student (baca: en aes em ei)
an FBI (baca: en ef bi ai)
b. sebelum kata yang mulai dengan huruh “h” yang lemah
an hour (baca: en auer)
an honest boy (baca: en anes boi)
an heir (baca: en eir)
an honor (baca: en aouer)
c. untuk benda yang kita dapat hitung
an apple
a table
an egg
3. Arti yang lazim daripada “a” or “an”
a. a = satu, sebuah, suatu
She works in an office
I bought a newspaper
b. a = setiap/masing-masing
This room is five dollars a week
He got Rp 25,000 a day
c. a/an = seorang, seekor, sebutir, sebuah, etc
I am a teacher
You are a student
A cat is an animal
There is a bird
Hasnah is an engineer
4. Kita menggunakan “the”
a. disebutkan sebelumnya
There is a man in the cafĂ©. “The” man is very tall.
b. dicirikan/dikhususkan oleh kata sifat dan kita tahu benda yang mana yang dimaksud
Which bag do you want? (Yang mana tas yang kamu inginkan?) I want the blue bag. (Saya mau tas yang biru)
This is the best book I have ever read (Inilah buku yang pernah saya baca)
c. dicirikan/dikhususkan oleh kata, frase, atau anak kalimat
The girl in blue is a doctor.
The road to Jakarta is very busy.
The house where I live in is old.
d. dicirikan oleh kontek atau situasi yang mana benda atau orang itu yang dimaksud
As I was strolling along the street, I looked at the clothes in the store.
My mother is cooking in the kitchen.
Please pass me the salt.
e. dicirikan/dikhususan oleh kontek atau kita mengharapkan pendengar tahu yang mana yang kita maksudkan
It is dark. Can you turn the light on?
Ann had to catch the train, so I took her to the station.
5. Kita tidak menggunakan a, an atau the :
a. sebelum kata benda tak dapat dihitung dan kata benda itu tidak memiliki bentuk jamak, contoh: water, advise, information, milk. Kita tidak bisa mengatakan a water, an infromation, a milk, etc
We drink water
I need your advice
I have information for you
She drinks milk
b. sebelum kata benda jamak dapat dihitung, contoh: bags, houses, cars, etc. Kita bisa mengatakan the bag, tapi kita tidak bisa mengatakan a bags, an houses, a cars, etc.
I have a lot of bags.
She has many cars
His parents have many houses.
c. sebelum kata benda ketika apa yang kita maksudkan adalah sesuatu yang umum (seperti kalimat umum di dalam bahasa Indonesia), contoh kata: English, tennis, justice, etc.
Tina is good at Mathematics and English
Tom is fond of tennis, basket, and chess.
Honesty is my principle.
d. pokok-pokok berita, pengumuman, daftar-daftar, dan garis-garis besar
Man found dead in car
Car exploded, 5 dead
6. Penggunaaan ‘the’ yang tidak sesuai aturan di atas, tapi telah terbiasa digunakan
The Soviet Union (Uni Soviet)
The United States of America (Amerika Serikat)
The United Kingdom of Great Britain (Inggris Raya)
The Republic of Indonesia (Republik Indonesia)
The United Arab Emirates (Uni Emirat Arab)
The Netherlands (Belanda)
The Philippines (Pilipina)
The Dominion of Canada (Dominion Kanada)
The City of New York (Kota New York)
The province of Bengkulu (Propinsi Bengkulu)
The Balkasn (Balkan)
The Congo (Kongo)
The Sudan (Sudan)
The Hawaian Island (Pulau Hawaii)
The West Indies (India Barat)
Adjectives add to the meaning of nouns.
Adverbs add to the meaning of verbs.
1. This is an egg. This is a bad egg.
2. She is wearing a dress. She is wearing a short white dress.
3. The children are playing on the yellow sand or bathing in the blue water.
The words bad, short, white, yellow, blu add to the meaning of nouns egg, dress, sand, water.
The words bad, short, white, yellow, blue are adjectives.
1. He is running quickly
2. They are swimming badly.
3. A big girl is walking slowly.
The words quickly, badly, slowly add to the meaning of the verbs is running, are swimming, is walking.
The words quickly, badly, slowly are adverbs.
Adverbs are often made by adding –ly to the adjectives.
bad → badly
(adjective) (adverb)
slow → slowly
(adjective) (adverb)
bright → brightly
(adjective) (adverb)
good → well
(adjective) (adverb)
1. He is a good swimmer. He swims well.
2. Mr. A pronounces English badly. Mr. B pronounces English well.
Put in the right word in the following
1. He swims _______ (good, well)
2. That is a _______ (well, good)
3. Henry writes _______ (badly, bad)
4. He speaks English _______ (good, well)
5. He speaks _______ English (good, well)
Choose the correct word (adjective or adverb)
1. George is a (careless, carelessly) writer. He writes (careless, carelessly).
2. Frank asked me an (easy, easily) question. I answered it (easy, easily).
3. Sally speaks (soft, softly). She has a (soft, softly) voice.
4. I entered the classroom (quiet, quietly) because I was late.
5. Ali speaks English very (good, well). He has very (good, well) pronunciation.
Adverb (kata keterangan) adalah kata yang menambahkan informasi mengenai cara, waktu, atau tempat. Dengan kata lain, adverb menjawab pertanyaan How (bagaimana), Where (di mana), dan When (kapan). Oleh karena itu, adverb terdiri dari beberapa jenis.
1. Adverb of Time (kata keterangan waktu)
Adverb of time menjawab pertanyaan when (kapan).
Contoh: We are going to have a holiday tomorrow. Tomorrow = kata keterangan waktu.
Kita dapat mengetahui bahwa tomorrow (besok) adalah kata keterangan waktu dengan cara bertanya, when are we going to have a holiday? Jawabannya: tomorrow.
Kata keterangan waktu dapat ditempatkan di awal ataupun di akhir kalimat. Kita dapat mengatakan We are going to have a holiday tomorrow atau Tomorrow we are going to have a holiday.
2. Adverb of Place (kata keterangan tempat)
Adverb of Place menjawab pertanyaan where (dimana).
Contoh: she is standing there. There adalah kata keterangan tempat.
Kita dapat mengetahui bahwa kata there (disana) adalah kata keterangan tempat dengan cara bertanya, where is she standing? Jawabannya: there.
Adverb of place ditempatkan setelah kata kerja (dalam kalimat di atas, kata kerjanya adalah standing).
3. Adverb of Frequency (kata keterangan yang menunjukkan frekuensi)
Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, berbagai kegiatan yang kita lakukan memiliki frekuensi yang berlainan.
Misalnya: We always go to school everyday. When we have spare time we often gather with our family. But we seldom meet our family who live far away. Even, we never hear their news.
Kata always (selalu), often (sering), seldom (jarang), never (tidak pernah) adalah kata keterangan yang menunjukkan frekuensi.
Adverb of frequency menjawab pertanyaan How often (seberapa sering).
Contoh: We always go to school everyday. Always adalah kata keterangan frekuensi.
Kita dapat mengetahui bahwa always (selalu) adalah kata keterangan frekuensi dengan cara bertanya, how often do we go to school everyday? Jawabannya: always.
4. Adverb of Manner (kata keterangan cara)
Kata keterangan berfungsi menambah makna pada kata lain, baik kata sifat maupun kata kerja. Adverb of manner menambahkan makna pada kata kerja, yaitu memberikan keterangan mengenai bagaimana sesuatu itu dikerjakan.
Contoh: he walks slowly. Kata slowly adalah kata keterangan cara.
Adverb of manner menjawab pertanyaan How (bagaimana)
Kita dapat mengetahui bahwa slowly (dengan lambat) adalah kata keterangan cara dengan cara bertanya, how does he walk? Jawabannya: slowly
Adverbs add to the meaning of verbs.
1. This is an egg. This is a bad egg.
2. She is wearing a dress. She is wearing a short white dress.
3. The children are playing on the yellow sand or bathing in the blue water.
The words bad, short, white, yellow, blu add to the meaning of nouns egg, dress, sand, water.
The words bad, short, white, yellow, blue are adjectives.
1. He is running quickly
2. They are swimming badly.
3. A big girl is walking slowly.
The words quickly, badly, slowly add to the meaning of the verbs is running, are swimming, is walking.
The words quickly, badly, slowly are adverbs.
Adverbs are often made by adding –ly to the adjectives.
bad → badly
(adjective) (adverb)
slow → slowly
(adjective) (adverb)
bright → brightly
(adjective) (adverb)
good → well
(adjective) (adverb)
1. He is a good swimmer. He swims well.
2. Mr. A pronounces English badly. Mr. B pronounces English well.
Put in the right word in the following
1. He swims _______ (good, well)
2. That is a _______ (well, good)
3. Henry writes _______ (badly, bad)
4. He speaks English _______ (good, well)
5. He speaks _______ English (good, well)
Choose the correct word (adjective or adverb)
1. George is a (careless, carelessly) writer. He writes (careless, carelessly).
2. Frank asked me an (easy, easily) question. I answered it (easy, easily).
3. Sally speaks (soft, softly). She has a (soft, softly) voice.
4. I entered the classroom (quiet, quietly) because I was late.
5. Ali speaks English very (good, well). He has very (good, well) pronunciation.
Adverb (kata keterangan) adalah kata yang menambahkan informasi mengenai cara, waktu, atau tempat. Dengan kata lain, adverb menjawab pertanyaan How (bagaimana), Where (di mana), dan When (kapan). Oleh karena itu, adverb terdiri dari beberapa jenis.
1. Adverb of Time (kata keterangan waktu)
Adverb of time menjawab pertanyaan when (kapan).
Contoh: We are going to have a holiday tomorrow. Tomorrow = kata keterangan waktu.
Kita dapat mengetahui bahwa tomorrow (besok) adalah kata keterangan waktu dengan cara bertanya, when are we going to have a holiday? Jawabannya: tomorrow.
Kata keterangan waktu dapat ditempatkan di awal ataupun di akhir kalimat. Kita dapat mengatakan We are going to have a holiday tomorrow atau Tomorrow we are going to have a holiday.
2. Adverb of Place (kata keterangan tempat)
Adverb of Place menjawab pertanyaan where (dimana).
Contoh: she is standing there. There adalah kata keterangan tempat.
Kita dapat mengetahui bahwa kata there (disana) adalah kata keterangan tempat dengan cara bertanya, where is she standing? Jawabannya: there.
Adverb of place ditempatkan setelah kata kerja (dalam kalimat di atas, kata kerjanya adalah standing).
3. Adverb of Frequency (kata keterangan yang menunjukkan frekuensi)
Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, berbagai kegiatan yang kita lakukan memiliki frekuensi yang berlainan.
Misalnya: We always go to school everyday. When we have spare time we often gather with our family. But we seldom meet our family who live far away. Even, we never hear their news.
Kata always (selalu), often (sering), seldom (jarang), never (tidak pernah) adalah kata keterangan yang menunjukkan frekuensi.
Adverb of frequency menjawab pertanyaan How often (seberapa sering).
Contoh: We always go to school everyday. Always adalah kata keterangan frekuensi.
Kita dapat mengetahui bahwa always (selalu) adalah kata keterangan frekuensi dengan cara bertanya, how often do we go to school everyday? Jawabannya: always.
4. Adverb of Manner (kata keterangan cara)
Kata keterangan berfungsi menambah makna pada kata lain, baik kata sifat maupun kata kerja. Adverb of manner menambahkan makna pada kata kerja, yaitu memberikan keterangan mengenai bagaimana sesuatu itu dikerjakan.
Contoh: he walks slowly. Kata slowly adalah kata keterangan cara.
Adverb of manner menjawab pertanyaan How (bagaimana)
Kita dapat mengetahui bahwa slowly (dengan lambat) adalah kata keterangan cara dengan cara bertanya, how does he walk? Jawabannya: slowly
THE USE OF PRONOUN (Penggunaan Kata Ganti)
1 2 3 4 5
I me my mine myself
You you your yours yourself
He him his his himself
She her her hers herself
It it its - itself
We us our ours ourselves
They them their theirs themselvers
1 - dipakai sebagai subyek
2 - dipakai sebagai obyek
3 - kata ganti milik (dipakai jika setelahnya diikuti kata benda)
4 - kata ganti milik (dipakai jika setelahnya tidak diikuti kata benda)
5 - untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang dilakukan sendiri/bersama2
Personal Pronouns (Kata Ganti Orang)
Personal pronouns adalah kata-kata yang digunakan untuk mengganti orang atau benda
I give my sister money.
My sister brings me a book.
He catches the cat.
Rina gives him money.
Complete the sentences using personal pronouns..
1. I don’t eat mangoes. I don’t like ___.
2. Johanna us a very nice girl. I like ___.
3. This sweater isn’t very nice. I don’t like ___.
4. Mr. Adams isn’t very friendly. I don’t like ___.
5. This is my new home. Do you like ___?
6. I don’t know that girl. Do you know ___?
7. I don’t know that boy. Do you know ___?
8. I don’t know those people Do you know ___?
9. I don’t know the door. Do you know ___?
10. I love you. Do you love ___?
Possessive Adjectives (Kata Ganti Milik)
Possessive adjectives adalah kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menyatakan milik
Kata ganti milik ini tidak dapat berdiri sendiri, tetapi diikuti oleh noun (kata benda)
My car is new
(my langsung diikuti oleh noun car)
Her husband is a doctor
(her langsung diikuti oleh noun husband)
That is your bag
(your langsung diikuti oleh noun bag)
Underline the correct form.
1. I like (my/me) job.
2. Diana invited (her/hers) to the meeting.
3. He speaks to (we/us) every morning.
4. Risa and (I/me) will go to Bandung.
5. (Her/Hers) car doesn’t go.
6. We love (our/us) profession.
7. (He/his) is going to Paris tomorrow.
8. I go to school with (her/hers) everyday.
9. I like (it/its) very much.
10. You and (I/me) are students.
Complete the sentences using possesive adjectives..
1. I’m going to post _____ letter.
2. Do you like ____ job?
3. I met Emilia with ____ husband, Budiman.
4. Yogyakarta is famous for ____ university.
5. Mr. Hilman invites ____ friends to come to the party.
6. Mr. and Mrs. Hassan live in Solo ____ daughter lives in London.
7. We wants to visit Bali ____ first visit is Tanah Lot.
8. Where is the handle of this hammer? ____ handle is over there.
9. Where is ____ letter? It’s on the table.
10. Thank you for ____ help.
Possessive Pronouns (Kata Ganti Yang Menyatakan Milik)
Possessives pronouns adalah kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menyatakan milik
Kata ganti milik ini tidak diikuti oleh noun (kata benda)
It is mine.
Mine is red
The book is yours.
Yours are white.
Complete the sentences using possesives pronouns.
1. It’s your money. It’s ____.
2. It’s my bag. It’s ____.
3. It’s our car. It’s ____
4. They’re her shoes. They’re ____.
5. It’s their house. It’s ____.
Choose the right word.
1. It’s (their/theirs) problem, not our/ours.
2. This is a nice camera. Is it (your/yours)
3. That’s not (my/mine) umbrella. (My/mine) is black.
4. Whose books are these? (Your/yours) or (my/mine).
5. Natasha is going out with her/hers friends this evening.
Finish these sentences. Use friend(s) of mine/yours etc.
1. I went to the cinema with a ________________.
2. They went on holiday with some ________________.
3. He’s going out with a ________________.
4. We had dinner with some ________________.
5. I played badminton with a ________________.
Reflexive Pronouns (Kata Ganti Reflektif)
Reflektive Pronouns adalah kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang memiliki hubungan timbal balik.
I do it myself (saya mengerjakan itu sendiri)
Help yourself (bantu dirimu sendiri)
He bought himself a car (Dia membelikan dia sendiri sebuah mobil)
Complete the sentences using reflexive pronouns.
1. I cut _______ with a knife.
2. The woman shot _______ with a gun.
3. We enjoyed _______.
4. They think about _______.
5. He is angry with _______.
Finish the sentences using reflexive pronouns.
1. I never think about _______.
2. He looked at _______ in the mirror.
3. She never thinks about _______.
4. I went on holiday _______.
5. My sister lives _______.
Evaluation. Choose the correct word in parantheses.
1. This is (my, mine) umbrella. (Your, yours) umbrella is over there.
2. This umbrella is (my, mine). The other one is (your, yours)
3. Mary and Bob have (their/theirs) books. In other words, Mary has (her, hers) and Tom has his.
4. A honey bee has two wings on each side of (its, it’s) body.
5. (Its, It’s) true that a homing pigeon will find (its, it’s) way home even though it begins (its, it’s) trip in unfamiliar territory).
6. I have a pet. (Its, it’s) name is Squeak. (Its, It’s) a turtle. (Its, It’s) been my pet for two years.
Cross out the wrong pronoun
1. I write to (he, him) and he writes to (I, me).
2. Mary goes to a dance, and Henry goes with (her, she).
3. We know (them, they) very well, and they know (we, us).
4. I see (she, her) in the classroom, and she sees (me, I).
5. He telephones to (she, her) every day and tells (she, her) the news.
6. He speaks English to (we, us) and (we, us) speak English to (he, him)
7. She speaks English to ((, me) and (I, me) speak English to (she, her).
8. They write to (she, her) and (she, her) writes to (they, them).
I me my mine myself
You you your yours yourself
He him his his himself
She her her hers herself
It it its - itself
We us our ours ourselves
They them their theirs themselvers
1 - dipakai sebagai subyek
2 - dipakai sebagai obyek
3 - kata ganti milik (dipakai jika setelahnya diikuti kata benda)
4 - kata ganti milik (dipakai jika setelahnya tidak diikuti kata benda)
5 - untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang dilakukan sendiri/bersama2
Personal Pronouns (Kata Ganti Orang)
Personal pronouns adalah kata-kata yang digunakan untuk mengganti orang atau benda
I give my sister money.
My sister brings me a book.
He catches the cat.
Rina gives him money.
Complete the sentences using personal pronouns..
1. I don’t eat mangoes. I don’t like ___.
2. Johanna us a very nice girl. I like ___.
3. This sweater isn’t very nice. I don’t like ___.
4. Mr. Adams isn’t very friendly. I don’t like ___.
5. This is my new home. Do you like ___?
6. I don’t know that girl. Do you know ___?
7. I don’t know that boy. Do you know ___?
8. I don’t know those people Do you know ___?
9. I don’t know the door. Do you know ___?
10. I love you. Do you love ___?
Possessive Adjectives (Kata Ganti Milik)
Possessive adjectives adalah kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menyatakan milik
Kata ganti milik ini tidak dapat berdiri sendiri, tetapi diikuti oleh noun (kata benda)
My car is new
(my langsung diikuti oleh noun car)
Her husband is a doctor
(her langsung diikuti oleh noun husband)
That is your bag
(your langsung diikuti oleh noun bag)
Underline the correct form.
1. I like (my/me) job.
2. Diana invited (her/hers) to the meeting.
3. He speaks to (we/us) every morning.
4. Risa and (I/me) will go to Bandung.
5. (Her/Hers) car doesn’t go.
6. We love (our/us) profession.
7. (He/his) is going to Paris tomorrow.
8. I go to school with (her/hers) everyday.
9. I like (it/its) very much.
10. You and (I/me) are students.
Complete the sentences using possesive adjectives..
1. I’m going to post _____ letter.
2. Do you like ____ job?
3. I met Emilia with ____ husband, Budiman.
4. Yogyakarta is famous for ____ university.
5. Mr. Hilman invites ____ friends to come to the party.
6. Mr. and Mrs. Hassan live in Solo ____ daughter lives in London.
7. We wants to visit Bali ____ first visit is Tanah Lot.
8. Where is the handle of this hammer? ____ handle is over there.
9. Where is ____ letter? It’s on the table.
10. Thank you for ____ help.
Possessive Pronouns (Kata Ganti Yang Menyatakan Milik)
Possessives pronouns adalah kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menyatakan milik
Kata ganti milik ini tidak diikuti oleh noun (kata benda)
It is mine.
Mine is red
The book is yours.
Yours are white.
Complete the sentences using possesives pronouns.
1. It’s your money. It’s ____.
2. It’s my bag. It’s ____.
3. It’s our car. It’s ____
4. They’re her shoes. They’re ____.
5. It’s their house. It’s ____.
Choose the right word.
1. It’s (their/theirs) problem, not our/ours.
2. This is a nice camera. Is it (your/yours)
3. That’s not (my/mine) umbrella. (My/mine) is black.
4. Whose books are these? (Your/yours) or (my/mine).
5. Natasha is going out with her/hers friends this evening.
Finish these sentences. Use friend(s) of mine/yours etc.
1. I went to the cinema with a ________________.
2. They went on holiday with some ________________.
3. He’s going out with a ________________.
4. We had dinner with some ________________.
5. I played badminton with a ________________.
Reflexive Pronouns (Kata Ganti Reflektif)
Reflektive Pronouns adalah kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang memiliki hubungan timbal balik.
I do it myself (saya mengerjakan itu sendiri)
Help yourself (bantu dirimu sendiri)
He bought himself a car (Dia membelikan dia sendiri sebuah mobil)
Complete the sentences using reflexive pronouns.
1. I cut _______ with a knife.
2. The woman shot _______ with a gun.
3. We enjoyed _______.
4. They think about _______.
5. He is angry with _______.
Finish the sentences using reflexive pronouns.
1. I never think about _______.
2. He looked at _______ in the mirror.
3. She never thinks about _______.
4. I went on holiday _______.
5. My sister lives _______.
Evaluation. Choose the correct word in parantheses.
1. This is (my, mine) umbrella. (Your, yours) umbrella is over there.
2. This umbrella is (my, mine). The other one is (your, yours)
3. Mary and Bob have (their/theirs) books. In other words, Mary has (her, hers) and Tom has his.
4. A honey bee has two wings on each side of (its, it’s) body.
5. (Its, It’s) true that a homing pigeon will find (its, it’s) way home even though it begins (its, it’s) trip in unfamiliar territory).
6. I have a pet. (Its, it’s) name is Squeak. (Its, It’s) a turtle. (Its, It’s) been my pet for two years.
Cross out the wrong pronoun
1. I write to (he, him) and he writes to (I, me).
2. Mary goes to a dance, and Henry goes with (her, she).
3. We know (them, they) very well, and they know (we, us).
4. I see (she, her) in the classroom, and she sees (me, I).
5. He telephones to (she, her) every day and tells (she, her) the news.
6. He speaks English to (we, us) and (we, us) speak English to (he, him)
7. She speaks English to ((, me) and (I, me) speak English to (she, her).
8. They write to (she, her) and (she, her) writes to (they, them).
TOEFL at glance (Pengantar Sekilas TOEFL)
1. Apa itu TOEFL?
a. TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) merupakan tes bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing untuk mengetahui kemampuan bahasa Inggris seseorang yang mencakup: Listening Comprehension (Pemahaman dalam Mendengarkan), Structure and Written Expression (Struktur dan Ungkapan secara tertulis berkaitan dengan English Grammar atau Tata Bahasa Inggris), Reading Comprehension (Pemahaman Bacaan), dan Writing (Menulis).
b. TOEFlL terdiri dari dua model, yaitu: Paper-Based TOEFL (PBT) dan Computer-Based TOEFL (CBT).
c. Paper-Based TOEFL (PBT) adalah test TOEFl menggunakan kertas dan pensil dalam mengerjakan soal dengan skor penilaian berkisar antara 310-677. Ini merupakan tes TOEFL yang paling banyak dan lazim digunakan saat ini.
d. Computer-Based TOEFL (CBT) adalah test TOEFL yang menggunakan komputer sebagai alat bantu mengerjakannya dengan skala penilaian berkisar antara 0-300. Model ini juga disertai video dalam Listening Comprehension sehinggan anda dapat memahami arah pembicaaannya.
2. Mengapa orang mengikuti test TOEFL?
Pada umumnya orang mengikuti TOEFL dengan berbagai alasan, misalnya:
a. Ingin studi ke luar negeri, syarat utama studi di negara-negara ataupun universitas yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar.
b. Ingin melanjutkan studi dari S1(sarjana) ke S2(Magister) dan S3(Doktor) di Program Pascasarjana.
c. Ingin mengikuti short course program oleh badan-badan ataupun yayasan luar negeri di bidang tertentu.
d. Ingin menduduki jabatan struktural tertentu di instansi pemerintahan atau jabatan penting di perusahaan swasta tertentu.
e. Ingin menyelesaikan studi S1(sarjana) di Universitas, Institut ataupun Akademi Kedinasan maupun Non-Kedinasan tertentu di dalam negeri.
f. Bahkan akhir-akhir ini beberapa SMA tertentu di Indonesia telah memberikan TOEFL-Like test bagi siswa yag akan menyelesaikan SMA nya.
3. Apa Yang Harus Anda Ketahui tentang TOEFL Sebelum Mengikuti Tes TOEFL?
a. Pertama, penulis TOEFL seringkali menggunakan pengecoh (distractor) yang membuat jawaban salah kelihatannya benar.
b. Kedua, sebagian topik pembicaraan dalam soal tes TOEFL didasarkan pada sejarah Amerika Serikat dan lingkungan sosialnya.
c. Ketiga, masalah-masalah kontroversial yang berkaitan dengan soal agama, kematian, perbedaan politik, perselisihan sejarah, kejahatan, dan topik-topik yang berhubungan dengan masalah etnis TIDAK AKAN MUNCUL dalam soal tes TOEFL.
4. Materi Apa Yang Diteskan Dalam Tes TOEFL?
Ada 3 section (tiga bagian) yang diteskan dalam TOEFL, yaitu:
Section 1. Listening Comprehension (Pemahaman dalam Mendengarkan). Bagian ini mengetes kemampuan dalam mendengarkan percakapan ataupun pidato pendek dalam bahasa Inggris melalui tape atau media audio lainnya yang disediakan oleh panitia tes TOEFL. Jumlah soal: 50 soal dengan waktu: 40 menit.
Section 2. Structure and Written Expression (Struktur dan Ungkapan tertulis berkaitan dengan Grammar atau Tata Bahasa). Bagian ini mengetes kemampuan anda dalam memahami Grammar (Tata Bahasa) Inggris dan Ungkapan-ungkapan yang lazim ada dalam bahasa tulis dalam bahasa Inggris serta dapat menggunakan dan mengetahui letak kesalahan dalam penggunaannya. Jumlah soal: 40 dengan waktu 25 menit.
Section 3. Reading Comprehension (Pemahaman Bacaan). Bagian ini mengetes kemampuan Anda dalam memahami berbagai jenis bacaan ilmiah berkaitan dengan topik, ide utama, isi bacaan, arti kata atau kelompok kata, serta informasi rinci yang berkataan dengan bacaan tadi. Jumlah soal: 50 soal dengan waktu: 55 menit.
5. Strategi Umum dalam Mengikuti TOEFL
Sebelum mengikuti tes TOEFL sebaiknya Anda telah melakukan hal-hal sebagai berikut agar mendapat skor TOEFL yang setinggi-tingginya, antara lain:
a. Mempelajari buku Persiapan TOEFL, atau sejenisnya.
b. Membaca buku English Gramar (Tata Bahasa Inggris) dan percakapan bahasa Inggris.
c. Mendengarkan materi Listening Comprehension.
d. Sering-sering menonton film dalam bahasa Inggris.
e. Membaca buku, majalah atau surat kabar dalam bahasa Inggris
f. Mengerjakan contoh-contoh soal TOEFL, sesering mungkin.
6. Strategi Khusus dalam Mengikuti Test TOEFL
Beberapa hal YANG PERLU dan TIDAK PERLU Anda lakukan selama mengikuti tes TOEFL, antara lain:
a. Pilihlah satu jawaban paling tepat dengan jalan menghitamkan pilihan Anda.
b. Jika ingin mengganti jawaban Anda, pastikan Anda telah menghapus jawaban Anda sebelumnya dengan bersih.
c. Jangan sampai satu nomorpun yang Anda biarkan kosong (tidak diisi), karena TIDAK ADA pengurangan skor jika jawaban Anda salah.
d. Jangan menulis apapun dalam lembar jawaban dan lembar soal kecuali yang diperintahkan.
e. Jangan cemas dan bersantai-santai dalam mengerjakan soal, tetapi tetap konsentrasi.
f. Dalam mengerjakan section 2, dan section 3, kerjakanlah soal YANG PALING MUDAH dahulu.
g. Ketika mengerjakan soal Listening Comprehension, jika Anda tidak tahu jawabannya, Anda sebaiknya tetap menjawab dengan jalan menebaknya dan jangan terpaku terlalu lama memikirkan jawaban soal itu. INGAT jawaban salah tidak mengurangi skor Anda.
h. Gunakanlah pengetahuan bahasa Inggris dan TOEFL Anda sehingga Anda dapat mengerjakan semua soal tes TOEFL.
i. Jangan mencoba-coba MENYONTEK, karena ini akan berakibat fatal.
7. Kelengkapan dan Alat Tulis Apa Yang Harus Anda Bawa Ketika Mengikuti Tes TOEFL
a. Formulis Pendaftaran dan Kuitansi Pendaftaran
b. Kartu Identitas, misal: KTP, SIM, atau Pasport
c. Pensil 2B dan Karet Penghapus
d. Jam
8. Saran/Nasehat Sebelum Mengikuti Tes TOEFl
a. Sering-seringlah menonton film dalam bahasa Inggris baik melalui TV, VCD, atau DVD.
b. Sering-seringlah memutar kaset latihan soal TOEFL atau Latihan Listening Comprehension atau yang sejenisnya.
9. Berapa Biaya Mengikuti Test TOEFL?
Biaya untuk setiap mengikuti International TOEFL selalu berubah-ubah dari tahun ke tahun. Untuk tahun 2006 sebesar US$130 atau sekitar Rp 1300000an. Sedangkan untuk Institusional TOEFL sekitar Rp 300000an. Biaya mengikuti TOEFL dari tahun ke tahun mengalami kenaikan tergantung nilai mata uang US Dollar pada saat itu.
Sementara untuk TOEFL-Like Test (Test Mirip TOEFL) Anda cukup mengeluarkan biaya yang murah antara Rp 50000 sampai dengan Rp 100000 setiap kali test. Banyak Universitas/Institut Negeri&Swasta ternama serta Lembaga-lembaga Bahasa ataupun Kursus-Kursus Bahasa Inggris di kota Anda membuka layanan TOEFL-Like Test ini setiap saat.
Namun TOEFL-Like Test (Tes Mirip TOEFL) ini tidak dapat digunakan sebagai persyaratan sebagaimana tersebut di atas, melainkan hanya untuk mengetahui prakiraan Skor TOEFL seseorang ataupun untuk mengetahui sampai sejauh mana kesiapan seseorang yang akan mengikuti TOEFL yang sebenarnya.
10. Berapa skor TOEFL Yang Anda Perlukan?
Beberapa universitas dan institut di dalam negeri mematok skor antara 400, 425, 450, atau 500 untuk dapat lolos seleksi Program S2 dan 500, 550 atau bahkan 600 untuk lolos Program S3.
Sedangkan untuk penjenjangan karir minimal 450-550. namun demikian, masalah jumlah skor yang dibutuhkan sangat tergantung pada universitas, institut, lembaga atau perusahaan yang akan menerimanya sebagai pengguna.
11. Kapan Tes Toefl Dilaksanakan?
International TOEFL biasanya dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober, November, Desember, April, dan Mei.
12. Di mana Kita Dapat Info Tentang Tes TOEFL?
Anda dapat mendapatkan informasi dimana Ujian TOEFL Internasional atau TOEFL Institusional via TOEFL Bulletin Information.
Ada tiga cara untuk mendapatkan TOEFL Information Bulletin, yaitu:
a. Download
b. Phone 1-609-771-7100
c. Mail
TOEFL Services
P.O Box 6151
Princeton, NJ 08541-6151
Anda juga bisa mendapatkan informasi mengenai TOEFL Internasional atau TOEFL Institusional via TOEFL Test Centers (Pusat Tes TOEFL) yang ada di beberapa Lembaga Pemerintahan/Kantor Departemen ataupun di beberapa universitas/institut Negeri&Swasta ternama di Indonesia.
a. TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) merupakan tes bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing untuk mengetahui kemampuan bahasa Inggris seseorang yang mencakup: Listening Comprehension (Pemahaman dalam Mendengarkan), Structure and Written Expression (Struktur dan Ungkapan secara tertulis berkaitan dengan English Grammar atau Tata Bahasa Inggris), Reading Comprehension (Pemahaman Bacaan), dan Writing (Menulis).
b. TOEFlL terdiri dari dua model, yaitu: Paper-Based TOEFL (PBT) dan Computer-Based TOEFL (CBT).
c. Paper-Based TOEFL (PBT) adalah test TOEFl menggunakan kertas dan pensil dalam mengerjakan soal dengan skor penilaian berkisar antara 310-677. Ini merupakan tes TOEFL yang paling banyak dan lazim digunakan saat ini.
d. Computer-Based TOEFL (CBT) adalah test TOEFL yang menggunakan komputer sebagai alat bantu mengerjakannya dengan skala penilaian berkisar antara 0-300. Model ini juga disertai video dalam Listening Comprehension sehinggan anda dapat memahami arah pembicaaannya.
2. Mengapa orang mengikuti test TOEFL?
Pada umumnya orang mengikuti TOEFL dengan berbagai alasan, misalnya:
a. Ingin studi ke luar negeri, syarat utama studi di negara-negara ataupun universitas yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar.
b. Ingin melanjutkan studi dari S1(sarjana) ke S2(Magister) dan S3(Doktor) di Program Pascasarjana.
c. Ingin mengikuti short course program oleh badan-badan ataupun yayasan luar negeri di bidang tertentu.
d. Ingin menduduki jabatan struktural tertentu di instansi pemerintahan atau jabatan penting di perusahaan swasta tertentu.
e. Ingin menyelesaikan studi S1(sarjana) di Universitas, Institut ataupun Akademi Kedinasan maupun Non-Kedinasan tertentu di dalam negeri.
f. Bahkan akhir-akhir ini beberapa SMA tertentu di Indonesia telah memberikan TOEFL-Like test bagi siswa yag akan menyelesaikan SMA nya.
3. Apa Yang Harus Anda Ketahui tentang TOEFL Sebelum Mengikuti Tes TOEFL?
a. Pertama, penulis TOEFL seringkali menggunakan pengecoh (distractor) yang membuat jawaban salah kelihatannya benar.
b. Kedua, sebagian topik pembicaraan dalam soal tes TOEFL didasarkan pada sejarah Amerika Serikat dan lingkungan sosialnya.
c. Ketiga, masalah-masalah kontroversial yang berkaitan dengan soal agama, kematian, perbedaan politik, perselisihan sejarah, kejahatan, dan topik-topik yang berhubungan dengan masalah etnis TIDAK AKAN MUNCUL dalam soal tes TOEFL.
4. Materi Apa Yang Diteskan Dalam Tes TOEFL?
Ada 3 section (tiga bagian) yang diteskan dalam TOEFL, yaitu:
Section 1. Listening Comprehension (Pemahaman dalam Mendengarkan). Bagian ini mengetes kemampuan dalam mendengarkan percakapan ataupun pidato pendek dalam bahasa Inggris melalui tape atau media audio lainnya yang disediakan oleh panitia tes TOEFL. Jumlah soal: 50 soal dengan waktu: 40 menit.
Section 2. Structure and Written Expression (Struktur dan Ungkapan tertulis berkaitan dengan Grammar atau Tata Bahasa). Bagian ini mengetes kemampuan anda dalam memahami Grammar (Tata Bahasa) Inggris dan Ungkapan-ungkapan yang lazim ada dalam bahasa tulis dalam bahasa Inggris serta dapat menggunakan dan mengetahui letak kesalahan dalam penggunaannya. Jumlah soal: 40 dengan waktu 25 menit.
Section 3. Reading Comprehension (Pemahaman Bacaan). Bagian ini mengetes kemampuan Anda dalam memahami berbagai jenis bacaan ilmiah berkaitan dengan topik, ide utama, isi bacaan, arti kata atau kelompok kata, serta informasi rinci yang berkataan dengan bacaan tadi. Jumlah soal: 50 soal dengan waktu: 55 menit.
5. Strategi Umum dalam Mengikuti TOEFL
Sebelum mengikuti tes TOEFL sebaiknya Anda telah melakukan hal-hal sebagai berikut agar mendapat skor TOEFL yang setinggi-tingginya, antara lain:
a. Mempelajari buku Persiapan TOEFL, atau sejenisnya.
b. Membaca buku English Gramar (Tata Bahasa Inggris) dan percakapan bahasa Inggris.
c. Mendengarkan materi Listening Comprehension.
d. Sering-sering menonton film dalam bahasa Inggris.
e. Membaca buku, majalah atau surat kabar dalam bahasa Inggris
f. Mengerjakan contoh-contoh soal TOEFL, sesering mungkin.
6. Strategi Khusus dalam Mengikuti Test TOEFL
Beberapa hal YANG PERLU dan TIDAK PERLU Anda lakukan selama mengikuti tes TOEFL, antara lain:
a. Pilihlah satu jawaban paling tepat dengan jalan menghitamkan pilihan Anda.
b. Jika ingin mengganti jawaban Anda, pastikan Anda telah menghapus jawaban Anda sebelumnya dengan bersih.
c. Jangan sampai satu nomorpun yang Anda biarkan kosong (tidak diisi), karena TIDAK ADA pengurangan skor jika jawaban Anda salah.
d. Jangan menulis apapun dalam lembar jawaban dan lembar soal kecuali yang diperintahkan.
e. Jangan cemas dan bersantai-santai dalam mengerjakan soal, tetapi tetap konsentrasi.
f. Dalam mengerjakan section 2, dan section 3, kerjakanlah soal YANG PALING MUDAH dahulu.
g. Ketika mengerjakan soal Listening Comprehension, jika Anda tidak tahu jawabannya, Anda sebaiknya tetap menjawab dengan jalan menebaknya dan jangan terpaku terlalu lama memikirkan jawaban soal itu. INGAT jawaban salah tidak mengurangi skor Anda.
h. Gunakanlah pengetahuan bahasa Inggris dan TOEFL Anda sehingga Anda dapat mengerjakan semua soal tes TOEFL.
i. Jangan mencoba-coba MENYONTEK, karena ini akan berakibat fatal.
7. Kelengkapan dan Alat Tulis Apa Yang Harus Anda Bawa Ketika Mengikuti Tes TOEFL
a. Formulis Pendaftaran dan Kuitansi Pendaftaran
b. Kartu Identitas, misal: KTP, SIM, atau Pasport
c. Pensil 2B dan Karet Penghapus
d. Jam
8. Saran/Nasehat Sebelum Mengikuti Tes TOEFl
a. Sering-seringlah menonton film dalam bahasa Inggris baik melalui TV, VCD, atau DVD.
b. Sering-seringlah memutar kaset latihan soal TOEFL atau Latihan Listening Comprehension atau yang sejenisnya.
9. Berapa Biaya Mengikuti Test TOEFL?
Biaya untuk setiap mengikuti International TOEFL selalu berubah-ubah dari tahun ke tahun. Untuk tahun 2006 sebesar US$130 atau sekitar Rp 1300000an. Sedangkan untuk Institusional TOEFL sekitar Rp 300000an. Biaya mengikuti TOEFL dari tahun ke tahun mengalami kenaikan tergantung nilai mata uang US Dollar pada saat itu.
Sementara untuk TOEFL-Like Test (Test Mirip TOEFL) Anda cukup mengeluarkan biaya yang murah antara Rp 50000 sampai dengan Rp 100000 setiap kali test. Banyak Universitas/Institut Negeri&Swasta ternama serta Lembaga-lembaga Bahasa ataupun Kursus-Kursus Bahasa Inggris di kota Anda membuka layanan TOEFL-Like Test ini setiap saat.
Namun TOEFL-Like Test (Tes Mirip TOEFL) ini tidak dapat digunakan sebagai persyaratan sebagaimana tersebut di atas, melainkan hanya untuk mengetahui prakiraan Skor TOEFL seseorang ataupun untuk mengetahui sampai sejauh mana kesiapan seseorang yang akan mengikuti TOEFL yang sebenarnya.
10. Berapa skor TOEFL Yang Anda Perlukan?
Beberapa universitas dan institut di dalam negeri mematok skor antara 400, 425, 450, atau 500 untuk dapat lolos seleksi Program S2 dan 500, 550 atau bahkan 600 untuk lolos Program S3.
Sedangkan untuk penjenjangan karir minimal 450-550. namun demikian, masalah jumlah skor yang dibutuhkan sangat tergantung pada universitas, institut, lembaga atau perusahaan yang akan menerimanya sebagai pengguna.
11. Kapan Tes Toefl Dilaksanakan?
International TOEFL biasanya dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober, November, Desember, April, dan Mei.
12. Di mana Kita Dapat Info Tentang Tes TOEFL?
Anda dapat mendapatkan informasi dimana Ujian TOEFL Internasional atau TOEFL Institusional via TOEFL Bulletin Information.
Ada tiga cara untuk mendapatkan TOEFL Information Bulletin, yaitu:
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There are 3 types
Type 1 Future Conditional Sentences
(pengandaian yang mungkin bisa terjadi di waktu sekarang atau akan datang)
S + Modal Aux + V1 + if + S + V2
Modal auxiliaries : will, can, may, shall, must
I will come if you invite me
You may go home if the class is over
Buat lima kalimat memakai conditional sentences type 1!!!
Ubah ke bahasa Inggris
1. Jika saya punya kesempatan, saya akan pergi ke pulau Bali.
2. Jika kamu menghubungi saya, saya akan datang..
3. Saya akan memakai payung, jika hari hujan.
4. Kamu boleh menyalahkan saya seandainya saya membuat kesalahan.
5. Seandainya dia tinggal di sini kita dapat menghubunginya dengan mudah.
6. Saya akan datang ke pertemuan, jika saya tidak ketinggalan bus.
Type 2 Present Conditional Sentences
(pengandaian yang tidak mungkin terjadi di waktu sekarang)
S + Past Modal + V1 + if + S + V2
Past modal: would, could, might, should, had to
1. I would visit your house if you invite me
Reality: You don’t invite me so I don’t visit your house
2. I would tell you if I knew her address
Reality: I don’t know her address so I don’t tell you
Tuliskan realita (kenyataannya) using English!!
1. You might eat this cake if you helped me.
2. They would visit you if you met them.
3. We should go together if we had enough time.
4. I could go swimming if the weather is nice.
5. You should come to my party if you gave me a present.
6. I could swim if I learned swimming.
7. You could get good score if you studied hard.
Type 3 Past Conditional Sentences
(pengandaian yang tidak mungkin terjadi di waktu lampau)
S + Past Modal + have + V1 + if + S + had + V3
Past modal: would, could, might, should, had to
1. You would have seen Ani if you had come to the party
Reality: You didn’t come to the party so you didn’t see Ani
2. I would have told you if I had known her address
Reality: I didn’t know her address so I didn’t tell you.
Tuliskan realitanya!!
1. You could have done the test if you had studied hard
2. I would have bought a new dress if mym other had given me money.
3. I could have met you if you had invited me.
4. I could have cut my hair if you had come there.
5. She should have gone together if we had enough time.
Type 1 Future Conditional Sentences
(pengandaian yang mungkin bisa terjadi di waktu sekarang atau akan datang)
S + Modal Aux + V1 + if + S + V2
Modal auxiliaries : will, can, may, shall, must
I will come if you invite me
You may go home if the class is over
Buat lima kalimat memakai conditional sentences type 1!!!
Ubah ke bahasa Inggris
1. Jika saya punya kesempatan, saya akan pergi ke pulau Bali.
2. Jika kamu menghubungi saya, saya akan datang..
3. Saya akan memakai payung, jika hari hujan.
4. Kamu boleh menyalahkan saya seandainya saya membuat kesalahan.
5. Seandainya dia tinggal di sini kita dapat menghubunginya dengan mudah.
6. Saya akan datang ke pertemuan, jika saya tidak ketinggalan bus.
Type 2 Present Conditional Sentences
(pengandaian yang tidak mungkin terjadi di waktu sekarang)
S + Past Modal + V1 + if + S + V2
Past modal: would, could, might, should, had to
1. I would visit your house if you invite me
Reality: You don’t invite me so I don’t visit your house
2. I would tell you if I knew her address
Reality: I don’t know her address so I don’t tell you
Tuliskan realita (kenyataannya) using English!!
1. You might eat this cake if you helped me.
2. They would visit you if you met them.
3. We should go together if we had enough time.
4. I could go swimming if the weather is nice.
5. You should come to my party if you gave me a present.
6. I could swim if I learned swimming.
7. You could get good score if you studied hard.
Type 3 Past Conditional Sentences
(pengandaian yang tidak mungkin terjadi di waktu lampau)
S + Past Modal + have + V1 + if + S + had + V3
Past modal: would, could, might, should, had to
1. You would have seen Ani if you had come to the party
Reality: You didn’t come to the party so you didn’t see Ani
2. I would have told you if I had known her address
Reality: I didn’t know her address so I didn’t tell you.
Tuliskan realitanya!!
1. You could have done the test if you had studied hard
2. I would have bought a new dress if mym other had given me money.
3. I could have met you if you had invited me.
4. I could have cut my hair if you had come there.
5. She should have gone together if we had enough time.
Passive voice (kalimat pasif) adalah kalimat yang subyeknya dikenai suatu pekerjaan atau menderita suatu. Dengan kata lain subyek kalimat tersebut menjadi sasaran kegiatan yang dinyatakan oleh kata kerja.
Di dalam bahasa Indonesia ciri-ciri kalimat pasif adalah kata kerjanya yang berawalan dengan “di-“
Active voice Passive voice
Present Tense She writes a letter A letter is written by her
They write letters Letters are written by them
Present Continous She is writing a letter A letter is being written by her
They are writing letters Letters are being written by them
Past Tense She wrote a letter A letter was written by her
They wrote a letter Letters were written by them
Past Continous She was writing a letter A letter was being written by her
They were writing letters Letters were being written by them
Perfect Tense She has written a letter A letter has been written by her
They have written letters Letters have been written by them
Past Perfect She had written a letter A letter had been written by her
They had written letters Letters had been written by them
Modal auxiliaries
(can, will, must, etc) She can write a letter A letter can be written by her
They can write letters Letters can be written by them
(to be + going to) She is going to write a letter A letter is going to be written by her They are going to write Letters are going to be written
letters by them
Cara pembentuk kalimat aktif (active voice) menjadi kalimat pasif (passive voice):
a. Subyek dalam kalimat aktif diubah menjadi Obyek dalam kalimat pasif, dan sebaliknya Obyek dalam kalimat aktif diubah menjadi Subyek dalam kalimat pasif.
b. Kata kerja kalimat pasif harus berbentuk V3 (kata kerja bentuk ketiga) yang didahului To be (is, am, are, was, were, being, been) yang diikuti oleh “by (oleh)”
c. Kalimat aktif yang akan dirubah harus memiliki obyek. Jadi dalam hal ini kata kerja yang digunakan harus kata kerja transitif (kata kerja yang memerlukan obyek)
Change the active to the passive
1. Shakespeare wrote that play.
2. Bill will invite Ann to the party.
3. Alex is preparing that report.
4. Waitresses and waiters serve customers.
5. The teacher is going to explain the lesson.
6. Shirley has suggested a new idea.
7. Two horses were pulling the farmer’s wagon.
8. Kathy had returned the book to the library.
9. By this time tomorrow, the president will have made the announcement.
10. I didn’t write that note. Jim wrote it.
11. Alice didn’t make that pie. Did Mrs.French make it.
12. Does Prof. Jackson teach that course?
I know that Prof. Adams doesn’t teach it.
13. Mrs. Andrews hasn’t signed those papers yet
Has Mr. Andrews signed them yet?
14. Is Mr. Brown painting your house?
15. His tricks won’t fool me.
16. Jackie scored the winning goal.
17. Dr. Ikeda developed that theory
18. Tmmy dropped the cup.
19. The assistant manager interviewed me.
20. A hurricane destroyed the small fishing village
21. After class, one of the students always erases the chalkboard.
Use the words in the following list to complete the sentences. All of the sentences are passive. Use any appropriate tense
build frighten report
cause invent spell
confuse kill surprise
divide offer surround
expect order wear
1. The electric light bulb by Thomas Edison.
2. An island by water.
3. The –ing form of “sit” with a double t.
4. Even though construction costs are high, a new dormitory” _____________________
5. The class was too large, so it _____________________ into two section.
6. The Johnson’s house burned down. According to the inspector, the fire
_______________________ by lightening.
7. A bracelet _______________________ around the wrist.
8. AL got a ticket for reckless driving. When he went to traffict court, he _______________________ to pay of $100.
9. I read about a hunter, who _______________________ by a wild animal.
10. The hunter’s fatal accident _____________________ in the newspaper yesterday.
11. I didn’t expect Lisa to come to the meeting last night, but she was there.
I ________________________ see her there.
12. Last week I _____________________ a job at a local bank, but I didn’t accept.
13. The children _____________________ in the middle of the night when they heard strange noises in the house.
14. Could you try to explain this math problem to me again? Yesterday in class
I _____________________ by the teacher’s explanation.
15. A: Is the plane going to be late?
B: No. It _____________________ to be on time.
Di dalam bahasa Indonesia ciri-ciri kalimat pasif adalah kata kerjanya yang berawalan dengan “di-“
Active voice Passive voice
Present Tense She writes a letter A letter is written by her
They write letters Letters are written by them
Present Continous She is writing a letter A letter is being written by her
They are writing letters Letters are being written by them
Past Tense She wrote a letter A letter was written by her
They wrote a letter Letters were written by them
Past Continous She was writing a letter A letter was being written by her
They were writing letters Letters were being written by them
Perfect Tense She has written a letter A letter has been written by her
They have written letters Letters have been written by them
Past Perfect She had written a letter A letter had been written by her
They had written letters Letters had been written by them
Modal auxiliaries
(can, will, must, etc) She can write a letter A letter can be written by her
They can write letters Letters can be written by them
(to be + going to) She is going to write a letter A letter is going to be written by her They are going to write Letters are going to be written
letters by them
Cara pembentuk kalimat aktif (active voice) menjadi kalimat pasif (passive voice):
a. Subyek dalam kalimat aktif diubah menjadi Obyek dalam kalimat pasif, dan sebaliknya Obyek dalam kalimat aktif diubah menjadi Subyek dalam kalimat pasif.
b. Kata kerja kalimat pasif harus berbentuk V3 (kata kerja bentuk ketiga) yang didahului To be (is, am, are, was, were, being, been) yang diikuti oleh “by (oleh)”
c. Kalimat aktif yang akan dirubah harus memiliki obyek. Jadi dalam hal ini kata kerja yang digunakan harus kata kerja transitif (kata kerja yang memerlukan obyek)
Change the active to the passive
1. Shakespeare wrote that play.
2. Bill will invite Ann to the party.
3. Alex is preparing that report.
4. Waitresses and waiters serve customers.
5. The teacher is going to explain the lesson.
6. Shirley has suggested a new idea.
7. Two horses were pulling the farmer’s wagon.
8. Kathy had returned the book to the library.
9. By this time tomorrow, the president will have made the announcement.
10. I didn’t write that note. Jim wrote it.
11. Alice didn’t make that pie. Did Mrs.French make it.
12. Does Prof. Jackson teach that course?
I know that Prof. Adams doesn’t teach it.
13. Mrs. Andrews hasn’t signed those papers yet
Has Mr. Andrews signed them yet?
14. Is Mr. Brown painting your house?
15. His tricks won’t fool me.
16. Jackie scored the winning goal.
17. Dr. Ikeda developed that theory
18. Tmmy dropped the cup.
19. The assistant manager interviewed me.
20. A hurricane destroyed the small fishing village
21. After class, one of the students always erases the chalkboard.
Use the words in the following list to complete the sentences. All of the sentences are passive. Use any appropriate tense
build frighten report
cause invent spell
confuse kill surprise
divide offer surround
expect order wear
1. The electric light bulb by Thomas Edison.
2. An island by water.
3. The –ing form of “sit” with a double t.
4. Even though construction costs are high, a new dormitory” _____________________
5. The class was too large, so it _____________________ into two section.
6. The Johnson’s house burned down. According to the inspector, the fire
_______________________ by lightening.
7. A bracelet _______________________ around the wrist.
8. AL got a ticket for reckless driving. When he went to traffict court, he _______________________ to pay of $100.
9. I read about a hunter, who _______________________ by a wild animal.
10. The hunter’s fatal accident _____________________ in the newspaper yesterday.
11. I didn’t expect Lisa to come to the meeting last night, but she was there.
I ________________________ see her there.
12. Last week I _____________________ a job at a local bank, but I didn’t accept.
13. The children _____________________ in the middle of the night when they heard strange noises in the house.
14. Could you try to explain this math problem to me again? Yesterday in class
I _____________________ by the teacher’s explanation.
15. A: Is the plane going to be late?
B: No. It _____________________ to be on time.
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, misalnya:
Dian suka makan coklat
Rina suka makan coklat
Dua kalimat itu dapat diefektifkan dengan membuang bagian yang sama sehingga kalimatnya menjadi Dian suka makan coklat dan Rina juga.
Dalam bahasa Inggris, misalnya:
Dian likes eating chocolatos
Rina likes eating chocolatos
Dua kalimat itu dapat diefektifkan dengan membuang bagian yang sama sehingga kalimatnya menjadi, sebagai berikut:
Dian likes eating chocolatos and Rina does too.
Eliptical Construction memiliki dua pola utama, yaitu:
1. pola untuk kalimat positif ( memakai too/so)
a. subject 1 + verb + and + subject 2 + auxilaries/kata kerja bantu + too
b. subject 1 + verb + and + so + auxiliaries/kata kerja bantu + subject 2
he wants to go there and she wants to go there
- he wants to go there and she does too
- he wants to go there and so does she
2. pola untuk kalimat negatif (memakai either/neither)
a. subject 1 + auxiliaries/kata kerja bantu + not + and + subject 2 + auxiliaries/kata kerja bantu + either
b. subject 1 + auxiliaries/kata kerja bantu + not + verbs + and + neither + auxiliaries + subject 2
he doesn’t want to go there and she doesn’t want to go there
- he doesn’t want to go there and she doesn’t either
- he wants to go there and neither does she
Change the sentences below into eliptical sentences using too and so
1. Mary left right after lunch and John left right after lunch
2. She is going to the concert and he is going to the concert
3. Bobby will be here at ten o’clock and I will be here at ten o’clock
4. Their clock are fast and our clock are fast
5. You had breakfast with a fried-egg and he had breakfast with a fried-egg
6. He wanted to go to a movie and I wanted to go to a movie
7. She is making good progress in English and her brother is making good progress in English
8. Diana visited French and her boyfriend visited French
9. He saw that terrible accident and we saw the terrible accident
10. Jeff liked the movie and Donny liked the movie
Change the sentences below into eliptical sentences using either and neither
1. She can’t play tennis and I can’t play tennis
2. We don’t have a computer and they don’t have a computer
3. He wouldn’t never say such a thing and she wouldn’t never say such a thing
4. I couldn’t hear the speaker and my companion couldn’t hear the speaker
5. Your watch isn’t right and mine isn’t right
6. You won’t enjoy that movie and your wife won’t enjoy that movie
7. Mr. Black wasn’t at the meeting and Mr. White wasn’t at the meeting
8. He hasn’t ever been in Europe and I haven’t ever been in Europe
9. She won’t be here and her sister won’t be here
10. I can’t speak Mandarin and my brother can’t speak Mandarin
Passive voice (kalimat pasif) adalah kalimat yang subyeknya dikenai suatu pekerjaan atau menderita suatu. Dengan kata lain subyek kalimat tersebut menjadi sasaran kegiatan yang dinyatakan oleh kata kerja.
Di dalam bahasa Indonesia ciri-ciri kalimat pasif adalah kata kerjanya yang berawalan dengan “di-“
Active voice Passive voice
Present Tense She writes a letter A letter is written by her
They write letters Letters are written by them
Present Continous She is writing a letter A letter is being written by her
They are writing letters Letters are being written by them
Past Tense She wrote a letter A letter was written by her
They wrote a letter Letters were written by them
Past Continous She was writing a letter A letter was being written by her
They were writing letters Letters were being written by them
Perfect Tense She has written a letter A letter has been written by her
They have written letters Letters have been written by them
Past Perfect She had written a letter A letter had been written by her
They had written letters Letters had been written by them
Modal auxiliaries
(can, will, must, etc) She can write a letter A letter can be written by her
They can write letters Letters can be written by them
(to be + going to) She is going to write a letter A letter is going to be written by her They are going to write Letters are going to be written
letters by them
Cara pembentuk kalimat aktif (active voice) menjadi kalimat pasif (passive voice):
a. Subyek dalam kalimat aktif diubah menjadi Obyek dalam kalimat pasif, dan sebaliknya Obyek dalam kalimat aktif diubah menjadi Subyek dalam kalimat pasif.
b. Kata kerja kalimat pasif harus berbentuk V3 (kata kerja bentuk ketiga) yang didahului To be (is, am, are, was, were, being, been) yang diikuti oleh “by (oleh)”
c. Kalimat aktif yang akan dirubah harus memiliki obyek. Jadi dalam hal ini kata kerja yang digunakan harus kata kerja transitif (kata kerja yang memerlukan obyek)
Change the active to the passive
1. Shakespeare wrote that play.
2. Bill will invite Ann to the party.
3. Alex is preparing that report.
4. Waitresses and waiters serve customers.
5. The teacher is going to explain the lesson.
6. Shirley has suggested a new idea.
7. Two horses were pulling the farmer’s wagon.
8. Kathy had returned the book to the library.
9. By this time tomorrow, the president will have made the announcement.
10. I didn’t write that note. Jim wrote it.
11. Alice didn’t make that pie. Did Mrs.French make it.
12. Does Prof. Jackson teach that course?
I know that Prof. Adams doesn’t teach it.
13. Mrs. Andrews hasn’t signed those papers yet
Has Mr. Andrews signed them yet?
14. Is Mr. Brown painting your house?
15. His tricks won’t fool me.
16. Jackie scored the winning goal.
17. Dr. Ikeda developed that theory
18. Tmmy dropped the cup.
19. The assistant manager interviewed me.
20. A hurricane destroyed the small fishing village
21. After class, one of the students always erases the chalkboard.
Use the words in the following list to complete the sentences. All of the sentences are passive. Use any appropriate tense
build frighten report
cause invent spell
confuse kill surprise
divide offer surround
expect order wear
1. The electric light bulb by Thomas Edison.
2. An island by water.
3. The –ing form of “sit” with a double t.
4. Even though construction costs are high, a new dormitory” _____________________
5. The class was too large, so it _____________________ into two section.
6. The Johnson’s house burned down. According to the inspector, the fire
_______________________ by lightening.
7. A bracelet _______________________ around the wrist.
8. AL got a ticket for reckless driving. When he went to traffict court, he _______________________ to pay of $100.
9. I read about a hunter, who _______________________ by a wild animal.
10. The hunter’s fatal accident _____________________ in the newspaper yesterday.
11. I didn’t expect Lisa to come to the meeting last night, but she was there.
I ________________________ see her there.
12. Last week I _____________________ a job at a local bank, but I didn’t accept.
13. The children _____________________ in the middle of the night when they heard strange noises in the house.
14. Could you try to explain this math problem to me again? Yesterday in class
I _____________________ by the teacher’s explanation.
15. A: Is the plane going to be late?
B: No. It _____________________ to be on time.
Di dalam bahasa Indonesia ciri-ciri kalimat pasif adalah kata kerjanya yang berawalan dengan “di-“
Active voice Passive voice
Present Tense She writes a letter A letter is written by her
They write letters Letters are written by them
Present Continous She is writing a letter A letter is being written by her
They are writing letters Letters are being written by them
Past Tense She wrote a letter A letter was written by her
They wrote a letter Letters were written by them
Past Continous She was writing a letter A letter was being written by her
They were writing letters Letters were being written by them
Perfect Tense She has written a letter A letter has been written by her
They have written letters Letters have been written by them
Past Perfect She had written a letter A letter had been written by her
They had written letters Letters had been written by them
Modal auxiliaries
(can, will, must, etc) She can write a letter A letter can be written by her
They can write letters Letters can be written by them
(to be + going to) She is going to write a letter A letter is going to be written by her They are going to write Letters are going to be written
letters by them
Cara pembentuk kalimat aktif (active voice) menjadi kalimat pasif (passive voice):
a. Subyek dalam kalimat aktif diubah menjadi Obyek dalam kalimat pasif, dan sebaliknya Obyek dalam kalimat aktif diubah menjadi Subyek dalam kalimat pasif.
b. Kata kerja kalimat pasif harus berbentuk V3 (kata kerja bentuk ketiga) yang didahului To be (is, am, are, was, were, being, been) yang diikuti oleh “by (oleh)”
c. Kalimat aktif yang akan dirubah harus memiliki obyek. Jadi dalam hal ini kata kerja yang digunakan harus kata kerja transitif (kata kerja yang memerlukan obyek)
Change the active to the passive
1. Shakespeare wrote that play.
2. Bill will invite Ann to the party.
3. Alex is preparing that report.
4. Waitresses and waiters serve customers.
5. The teacher is going to explain the lesson.
6. Shirley has suggested a new idea.
7. Two horses were pulling the farmer’s wagon.
8. Kathy had returned the book to the library.
9. By this time tomorrow, the president will have made the announcement.
10. I didn’t write that note. Jim wrote it.
11. Alice didn’t make that pie. Did Mrs.French make it.
12. Does Prof. Jackson teach that course?
I know that Prof. Adams doesn’t teach it.
13. Mrs. Andrews hasn’t signed those papers yet
Has Mr. Andrews signed them yet?
14. Is Mr. Brown painting your house?
15. His tricks won’t fool me.
16. Jackie scored the winning goal.
17. Dr. Ikeda developed that theory
18. Tmmy dropped the cup.
19. The assistant manager interviewed me.
20. A hurricane destroyed the small fishing village
21. After class, one of the students always erases the chalkboard.
Use the words in the following list to complete the sentences. All of the sentences are passive. Use any appropriate tense
build frighten report
cause invent spell
confuse kill surprise
divide offer surround
expect order wear
1. The electric light bulb by Thomas Edison.
2. An island by water.
3. The –ing form of “sit” with a double t.
4. Even though construction costs are high, a new dormitory” _____________________
5. The class was too large, so it _____________________ into two section.
6. The Johnson’s house burned down. According to the inspector, the fire
_______________________ by lightening.
7. A bracelet _______________________ around the wrist.
8. AL got a ticket for reckless driving. When he went to traffict court, he _______________________ to pay of $100.
9. I read about a hunter, who _______________________ by a wild animal.
10. The hunter’s fatal accident _____________________ in the newspaper yesterday.
11. I didn’t expect Lisa to come to the meeting last night, but she was there.
I ________________________ see her there.
12. Last week I _____________________ a job at a local bank, but I didn’t accept.
13. The children _____________________ in the middle of the night when they heard strange noises in the house.
14. Could you try to explain this math problem to me again? Yesterday in class
I _____________________ by the teacher’s explanation.
15. A: Is the plane going to be late?
B: No. It _____________________ to be on time.
Kalimat subjunctive ditandai dengan kata: wish, if only, would rather, as if/as though.
Ada dua tipe subjunctive.
Present Subjunctive
Pola I subjunctive + S + V2
I wish she came to school now
(faktanya: she doesn’t come to school)
Pola II subjunctive + S + were + selain kata kerja
Example: I wish she weren’t late.
(faktanya: she is late)
Jika kalimat subjunctive positif, faktanya negatif.
Jika kalimat subjunctive negatif, faktanya positif
Fakta present subjunctive adalah bentuk present tense
Past Subjunctive
Pola I subjunctive + S + had + V3
I wish she had come to school yesterday.
(faktanya: she didnn’t come to school)
Pola II subjunctive + S + had + been + selain kata kerja
I wish she hadn’t been late
(faktanya: she was late)
Jika kalimat subjunctive positif, faktanya negatif.
Jika kalimat subjunctive negatif, faktanya positif
Fakta past subjunctive adalah bentuk past tense
Change the facts below into subjunctive by using “I wish…..”
1. The manager broke the regulation by himself.
2. Mr. Brown sends the postcard to his best friend.
3. John didn’t beg for the permission to her.
4. Those children can’t drink such kind of medicine.
5. Your uncle will make the appointment once again.
Make into present subjunctive/past subjunctive (you choose the correct form) and write down the fact.
1. Mary wishes we (leave) earlier today.
2. The teachers would rather they (not catch) the cheating student yesterday.
3. Your aunt went alone as if she (get) the address.
4. If only they (wear) these traditional dresses last night.
5. It’s time we (sweep) the school yard very well.
6. I wish those boys (take) parts in the contest a few months ago.
7. Julian would rather she (begin) her promotion now.
8. If only the woman (choose) the candidate when the election happened.
9. It’s high time his parents (allow) him to go abroad at this moment.
10. The baby cried loudly as though it (be) alone at home.
Ada dua tipe subjunctive.
Present Subjunctive
Pola I subjunctive + S + V2
I wish she came to school now
(faktanya: she doesn’t come to school)
Pola II subjunctive + S + were + selain kata kerja
Example: I wish she weren’t late.
(faktanya: she is late)
Jika kalimat subjunctive positif, faktanya negatif.
Jika kalimat subjunctive negatif, faktanya positif
Fakta present subjunctive adalah bentuk present tense
Past Subjunctive
Pola I subjunctive + S + had + V3
I wish she had come to school yesterday.
(faktanya: she didnn’t come to school)
Pola II subjunctive + S + had + been + selain kata kerja
I wish she hadn’t been late
(faktanya: she was late)
Jika kalimat subjunctive positif, faktanya negatif.
Jika kalimat subjunctive negatif, faktanya positif
Fakta past subjunctive adalah bentuk past tense
Change the facts below into subjunctive by using “I wish…..”
1. The manager broke the regulation by himself.
2. Mr. Brown sends the postcard to his best friend.
3. John didn’t beg for the permission to her.
4. Those children can’t drink such kind of medicine.
5. Your uncle will make the appointment once again.
Make into present subjunctive/past subjunctive (you choose the correct form) and write down the fact.
1. Mary wishes we (leave) earlier today.
2. The teachers would rather they (not catch) the cheating student yesterday.
3. Your aunt went alone as if she (get) the address.
4. If only they (wear) these traditional dresses last night.
5. It’s time we (sweep) the school yard very well.
6. I wish those boys (take) parts in the contest a few months ago.
7. Julian would rather she (begin) her promotion now.
8. If only the woman (choose) the candidate when the election happened.
9. It’s high time his parents (allow) him to go abroad at this moment.
10. The baby cried loudly as though it (be) alone at home.
Pola I S + V1 (kata kerja)
Pola II S + to be + selain kata kerja
Ciri: every…, frequency of adverbial(usually, always, never, sometimes, seldom,dll)
1. She always writes a letter.
2. She is angry everyday.
Notice: menyatakan sesuatu yang pasti.
Present continous sering disebut juga present progressive.
Pola: S + to be + V-ing
Ciri: today, this…(this week/month/day/etc) tapi tidak this morning (ciri dari past tense)
Example: She is writing a letter this week.
Pola I S + V2 (kata kerja)
Pola II S + to be + selain kata kerja
Ciri: this morning (pagi tadi), yesterday, ago, last….(last week/last month/etc).
1. She wrote a letter two days ago.
2. She was angry yesterday.
Jawaban dari pertanyaan yang ada did atau was/were tapi tidak ada durasi/lama waktunya, maka bentuk past tense yang dipilih.
Past continous sering disebut juga past progressive.
Pola: S + to be + V-ing + when + past tense
(was/were) while + past continous
Ciri: when, while, this…..
1. She was writing a letter when he came.
2. She was writing a letter while he was washing his car.
Bentuk past continous tidak bisa berdiri sendiri, pasti ada dua kalimat atau lebih. Jika hanya satu kalimat, jangan pernah memilih bentuk past continous.
Kalau ada when, pasti pasangan kalimat dalam bentuk past tense.
Kalau ada while, pasti pasangan kalimat dalam bentuk past continous.
Pola I S + has/have + V3 (kata kerja)
Pola II S + has/have + to be + selain kata kerja
Ciri: for, since (ada durasi waktu), all this year/month/etc, up to now, so far, already
1. She has written a letter for two hours.
2. She has been angry for two hours.
Pola: S + has/have + to be + V-ing
Ciri: semua ciri present perfect kecuali already
Example: She has been writing for two hours.
Persamaan persent perfect dengan present perfect continous
Menyatakan durasi (lama waktu) kejadian
Perbedaan present perfect dan present perfect continous
She has written a letter for two hours (dia telah selesai menulis surat selama dua jam).
She has been writing for two hours (dia telah menulis surat selama dua jam dan sekarang masih menulis surat).
Pola I S + had + V3 (kata kerja) + before/after + past tense
Pola II S + had + to be + selain kata kerja + before/after + past tense
Ciri: before, after, ada dua kejadian yang berurutan
1. She had written for two hours before I came.
2. She had been angry for two hours before I came.
Pola: S + had + to be + V-ing + before/after + past tense
Ciri: before, after, dua kejadian yang berurutan
Example: She had been writing for two hours before I came.
Persamaan past perfect dan past perfect continous
Menjelaskan kejadian yang telah terjadi sebelum kejadian yang lainnya berlangsung.
Setelah after/before pasti bentuk past tense
Perbedaan past perfect dan past perfect continous
She had written a letter for two hours before I came (dia telah selesai menulis surat selama dua jam sebelum saya datang ).
She had been writing for two hours before I came (dia telah menulis surat selama dua jam sebelum saya datang dan kemudian masih melanjutkan menulis surat setelah saya datang).
Pola I S + will + V1 (kata kerja)
(am/is/are + going to)
Pola II S + will + be + selain kata kerja
(am/is/are + going to)
Ciri: soon, tomorrow, tonight, next…(day/month/week/etc)
1. She will write a letter tomorrow.
2. She will be angry tomorrow
Menyatakan peristiwa yang akan dilakukan di masa datang
Pola: S + will + be + V1-ing + when + simple present
Ciri: sama dengan simple future ditambah keterangan waktu tertentu untuk (this time next year, at ten tomorrow)
Example: She will be writing a letter at ten tomorrow when I comes.
Menyatakan peristiwa yang sedang dilakukan di masa datang ketika peristiwa lain terjadi.
Pola I: S + will + have + V3 (kata kerja) + when + simple present
by this time
Pola II: S + will + have + to be + selain kata kerja + when + simple present
(been) before/after
by this time
Ciri: sama dengan simple future, for…(a day/a month/a week/etc), by the end of…
1. She will have written a letter for two hours before I come
2. She will have been angry for two hours before I come.
Menyatakan peristiwa yang akan telah selesai dilakukan dalam durasi tertentu di masa datang ketika peristiwa lain terjadi.
Pola: S + will + have + been + V1-ing + when + simple present
by this time
Ciri: sama dengan simple future, for…(a day/a month/a week/etc), by the end of…
Example: She will have been writing for two hours before I come
Menyatakan peristiwa telah selesai dilakukan dalam durasi tertentu di masa datang dan terus berlanjut ketika peristiwa lain terjadi.
Pola I S + V1 (kata kerja)
Pola II S + to be + selain kata kerja
Ciri: every…, frequency of adverbial(usually, always, never, sometimes, seldom,dll)
1. She always writes a letter.
2. She is angry everyday.
Notice: menyatakan sesuatu yang pasti.
Present continous sering disebut juga present progressive.
Pola: S + to be + V-ing
Ciri: today, this…(this week/month/day/etc) tapi tidak this morning (ciri dari past tense)
Example: She is writing a letter this week.
Pola I S + V2 (kata kerja)
Pola II S + to be + selain kata kerja
Ciri: this morning (pagi tadi), yesterday, ago, last….(last week/last month/etc).
1. She wrote a letter two days ago.
2. She was angry yesterday.
Jawaban dari pertanyaan yang ada did atau was/were tapi tidak ada durasi/lama waktunya, maka bentuk past tense yang dipilih.
Past continous sering disebut juga past progressive.
Pola: S + to be + V-ing + when + past tense
(was/were) while + past continous
Ciri: when, while, this…..
1. She was writing a letter when he came.
2. She was writing a letter while he was washing his car.
Bentuk past continous tidak bisa berdiri sendiri, pasti ada dua kalimat atau lebih. Jika hanya satu kalimat, jangan pernah memilih bentuk past continous.
Kalau ada when, pasti pasangan kalimat dalam bentuk past tense.
Kalau ada while, pasti pasangan kalimat dalam bentuk past continous.
Pola I S + has/have + V3 (kata kerja)
Pola II S + has/have + to be + selain kata kerja
Ciri: for, since (ada durasi waktu), all this year/month/etc, up to now, so far, already
1. She has written a letter for two hours.
2. She has been angry for two hours.
Pola: S + has/have + to be + V-ing
Ciri: semua ciri present perfect kecuali already
Example: She has been writing for two hours.
Persamaan persent perfect dengan present perfect continous
Menyatakan durasi (lama waktu) kejadian
Perbedaan present perfect dan present perfect continous
She has written a letter for two hours (dia telah selesai menulis surat selama dua jam).
She has been writing for two hours (dia telah menulis surat selama dua jam dan sekarang masih menulis surat).
Pola I S + had + V3 (kata kerja) + before/after + past tense
Pola II S + had + to be + selain kata kerja + before/after + past tense
Ciri: before, after, ada dua kejadian yang berurutan
1. She had written for two hours before I came.
2. She had been angry for two hours before I came.
Pola: S + had + to be + V-ing + before/after + past tense
Ciri: before, after, dua kejadian yang berurutan
Example: She had been writing for two hours before I came.
Persamaan past perfect dan past perfect continous
Menjelaskan kejadian yang telah terjadi sebelum kejadian yang lainnya berlangsung.
Setelah after/before pasti bentuk past tense
Perbedaan past perfect dan past perfect continous
She had written a letter for two hours before I came (dia telah selesai menulis surat selama dua jam sebelum saya datang ).
She had been writing for two hours before I came (dia telah menulis surat selama dua jam sebelum saya datang dan kemudian masih melanjutkan menulis surat setelah saya datang).
Pola I S + will + V1 (kata kerja)
(am/is/are + going to)
Pola II S + will + be + selain kata kerja
(am/is/are + going to)
Ciri: soon, tomorrow, tonight, next…(day/month/week/etc)
1. She will write a letter tomorrow.
2. She will be angry tomorrow
Menyatakan peristiwa yang akan dilakukan di masa datang
Pola: S + will + be + V1-ing + when + simple present
Ciri: sama dengan simple future ditambah keterangan waktu tertentu untuk (this time next year, at ten tomorrow)
Example: She will be writing a letter at ten tomorrow when I comes.
Menyatakan peristiwa yang sedang dilakukan di masa datang ketika peristiwa lain terjadi.
Pola I: S + will + have + V3 (kata kerja) + when + simple present
by this time
Pola II: S + will + have + to be + selain kata kerja + when + simple present
(been) before/after
by this time
Ciri: sama dengan simple future, for…(a day/a month/a week/etc), by the end of…
1. She will have written a letter for two hours before I come
2. She will have been angry for two hours before I come.
Menyatakan peristiwa yang akan telah selesai dilakukan dalam durasi tertentu di masa datang ketika peristiwa lain terjadi.
Pola: S + will + have + been + V1-ing + when + simple present
by this time
Ciri: sama dengan simple future, for…(a day/a month/a week/etc), by the end of…
Example: She will have been writing for two hours before I come
Menyatakan peristiwa telah selesai dilakukan dalam durasi tertentu di masa datang dan terus berlanjut ketika peristiwa lain terjadi.
FINAL –s/-es (Penambahan Akhiran –s/-es)
NOUN (Kata Benda)
Penambahan –s/-es pada kata benda, jika benda itu lebih dari satu jumlahnya.
A book = satu buku.
Two books = dua buku.
VERB (Kata Kerja)
Penambahan –s/-es pada kata kerja pertama (V1) atau simple present tense.
Jika subyek dari kata kerja itu adalah he/she/it atau kata benda tunggal (misal : nama benda: buku, pensil nama orang, John, Sheila, Jammy dan lain-lain).
He writes the novel.
Sheila reads a book.
Aturan penambahan –s atau -es:
1. Hampir semua kata-kata di tambah –s
2. Kecuali yang di bawah ini:
(A) Kata-kata yang berakhiran dengan huruf –sh, -ch, -s, -x, -z.
Wash menjadi washes.
Watch menjadi watches.
Class menjadi classes.
Box menjadi boxes.
Buzz menjadi buzzes.
(B) Kata-kata yang berakhiran dengan huruf –y.
- Jika diawali dengan vokal, maka hanya –s yang ditambahkan.
Toy menjadi toys
Buy menjadi buys
- Jika diawali dengan konsonan maka -y berubah menjadi –I dan ditambahkan dengan -es
Baby menjadi babies.
Cry menjadi cries.
Latihan 1
Tambahkan –s atau es ke kata-kata di bawah ini agar pengejaannya benar.
1. Passenger ___
2. Tax ___
3. Talk ___
4. Blush ___
5. Discover ___
6. Develop ___
7. Season ___
8. Flash ___
9. Hall ___
10. Touch ___
11. Skectch ___
12. Press ___
13. Method ___
14. Mix ___
15. Try ___
16. Tray ___
17. Ferry ___
18. Guy ___
19. Enemy ___
20. Pry ___
21. Pray ___
Latihan 2
Semua kalimat di bawah ini adalah Simple Present. Diskusikan apa perlu penambahan –s/-es di kata benda atau kata kerja nya.
1. I have two pen.
2. Tom work hard every day.
3. Our solar system consist of nine planet.
4. The earth rotate around the sun.
5. All animal need water.
6. A dog need fresh water every day
7. Student take test.
8. Hawaii has beautiful sunset.
9. A library contain a lot of book.
10. Encyclopedia contain information about many thing.
11. Butterfly are beautifull.
12. Martha watch TV every evening.
13. Alex almost never change his mind.
Penambahan –s/-es pada kata benda, jika benda itu lebih dari satu jumlahnya.
A book = satu buku.
Two books = dua buku.
VERB (Kata Kerja)
Penambahan –s/-es pada kata kerja pertama (V1) atau simple present tense.
Jika subyek dari kata kerja itu adalah he/she/it atau kata benda tunggal (misal : nama benda: buku, pensil nama orang, John, Sheila, Jammy dan lain-lain).
He writes the novel.
Sheila reads a book.
Aturan penambahan –s atau -es:
1. Hampir semua kata-kata di tambah –s
2. Kecuali yang di bawah ini:
(A) Kata-kata yang berakhiran dengan huruf –sh, -ch, -s, -x, -z.
Wash menjadi washes.
Watch menjadi watches.
Class menjadi classes.
Box menjadi boxes.
Buzz menjadi buzzes.
(B) Kata-kata yang berakhiran dengan huruf –y.
- Jika diawali dengan vokal, maka hanya –s yang ditambahkan.
Toy menjadi toys
Buy menjadi buys
- Jika diawali dengan konsonan maka -y berubah menjadi –I dan ditambahkan dengan -es
Baby menjadi babies.
Cry menjadi cries.
Latihan 1
Tambahkan –s atau es ke kata-kata di bawah ini agar pengejaannya benar.
1. Passenger ___
2. Tax ___
3. Talk ___
4. Blush ___
5. Discover ___
6. Develop ___
7. Season ___
8. Flash ___
9. Hall ___
10. Touch ___
11. Skectch ___
12. Press ___
13. Method ___
14. Mix ___
15. Try ___
16. Tray ___
17. Ferry ___
18. Guy ___
19. Enemy ___
20. Pry ___
21. Pray ___
Latihan 2
Semua kalimat di bawah ini adalah Simple Present. Diskusikan apa perlu penambahan –s/-es di kata benda atau kata kerja nya.
1. I have two pen.
2. Tom work hard every day.
3. Our solar system consist of nine planet.
4. The earth rotate around the sun.
5. All animal need water.
6. A dog need fresh water every day
7. Student take test.
8. Hawaii has beautiful sunset.
9. A library contain a lot of book.
10. Encyclopedia contain information about many thing.
11. Butterfly are beautifull.
12. Martha watch TV every evening.
13. Alex almost never change his mind.
Adjective (kata sifat) adalah kata-kata yang memberikan gambaran mengenai sesuatu. Adjective menambahkan makna pada kata benda dengan menggambarkan karakteristik, ciri-ciri, atau sifat dari benda tersebut.
1. We have a cute pet called Pushy (kita memiliki seekor peliharaan yang lucu bernama Pushy)
2. I don’t like cold water (saya tidak menyukai air yang dingin)
3. She usually wears a white shirt and blue jacket (dia selalu mengenakan kaos putih dan jaket biru).
4. You must be careful, the place is dangerous! (kamu harus hati-hati, tempat itu berbahaya!)
5. There were many dirty dishes in the kitchen (ada banyak piring kotor di dapur)
Kata-kata cute, cold, white, blu, careful, dangerous, dirty adalah adjectives.
Cold water (air dingin), pada contoh kedua di atas.
Memberikan informasi bahwa air yang tidak disukai pembicara adalah air yang dingin. Jadi cold (dingin) untuk menjelaskan kata benda water (air) dan adjective diletakkan sebelum kata benda.
Selain bisa diletakkan sebelum kata benda, adjective juga bisa ditempatkan setelah kata kerja tertentu (to be = is/am/are/was/were), look, appear, dsb)
1. The book is thick (buku itu tebal)
2. You look tired (kamu terlihat lelah)
Thick and tired adalah adjectives
Membentuk adjectives
Adjectives dapat dibentuk dari kata kerja dan kata benda dengan menambahkan akhiran –full, -less, -ish, -en, -ous, -some, -ive, -al, -able, dsb.
Kata sifat Poisonous (beracun) berasal dari kata benda poison (racun)
Kata sifat forgetful (pelupa) berasal dari kata kerja forget (melupakan)
Perhatikan perubahan kata-kata (words) di bawah ini menjadi kata sifat (adectives)
Word Adcjective
Accept Acceptable
Accident Accidental
Admire Admirable
Adventure Adventurous
Affection Affectionate
Anger Angry
Anxiety Anxious
Athlete Athletic
Attract Attractive
Beauty Beautiful
Bible Biblical
Boy Boyish
Care Careful
Caution Cautious
Centre Central
Change Changeable
Charity Charitable
Child Childish
Choir Choral
Choose Choosy
Circle Circular
Collect Collective
Comfort Comfortable
Compete Competitive
Continent Continental
Courage Courageous
Coward Cowardly
Craft Craftly
Crime Criminal
Critic Critical
Cruelty Cruel
Custom Customary
Danger Dangerous
Decide Decisive
Decorate Decorative
Describe Descriptive
Destroy Destructive
Disaster Disastrous
Distance Distant
Duty Dutiful
Energy Energetic
Enjoy Enjoyable
Faith Faithful
Fame Famous
Father Fatherly
Fault Faulty
Favour Favourable
Fire Fiery
Fool Foolish
Force Forceful
Forget Forgetful
Fortune Fortunate
Friend Friendly
Fury Furious
Giant Gigantic
Girl Girlish
Glory Glorious
Gold Golden
Grace Graceful
Habit Habitual
Harm Harmful
Hate Hateful
Heal Healthy
Heat Hot
Help Helpful
Hero Heroic
Hope Hopeful
Horror Horrible
Imagine Imaginary/imaginative
Industry Industrial/industrious
Joy Joyful
Law Lawful
Love Loveable
Luxury Luxurious
Man Manly
Marvel Marvellous
Mercy Merciful
Metal Metalic
Mischief Mischievous
Mountain Mountainous
Music Musical
Mystery Mysterious
Nation National
Nature Natural
Noise Noisy
North Northen
Notice Noticable
Obey Obedient
Occasion Occasional
Origin Original
Parent Parental
Patience Patient
Peace Peaceful
Person Personal
Picture Picturesque
Pity Pitiful
Please Pleasant
Poet Poetic
Poison Poisonous
Pride Proud
Prosper Prosperous
Quarrel Quarrelsome
Reason Reasonable
Science Scientific
Sence Sensible
Shade Shady
Silk Silky
Sister Sisterly
Skill Skillful
Smoke Smoky
Sorrow Sorrowful
South Southern
Spirit Spiritual
Storm Stormy
Study Studious
Success Successful
Sun Sunny
Talk Talkative
Terror Terrible
Thirst Thirsty
Thought Thoughtful
Tire Tiresome
Trouble Troublesome
Truth Truthful
Unite United
Value Valuable
Victory Victorious
Volcano Volcanic
War Warlike
Water Watery
Wave Wavy
West Western
Winter Wintry
Wit Witty
Wood Wooden
Wool Woolen
Year Yearly
Youth Young
1. We have a cute pet called Pushy (kita memiliki seekor peliharaan yang lucu bernama Pushy)
2. I don’t like cold water (saya tidak menyukai air yang dingin)
3. She usually wears a white shirt and blue jacket (dia selalu mengenakan kaos putih dan jaket biru).
4. You must be careful, the place is dangerous! (kamu harus hati-hati, tempat itu berbahaya!)
5. There were many dirty dishes in the kitchen (ada banyak piring kotor di dapur)
Kata-kata cute, cold, white, blu, careful, dangerous, dirty adalah adjectives.
Cold water (air dingin), pada contoh kedua di atas.
Memberikan informasi bahwa air yang tidak disukai pembicara adalah air yang dingin. Jadi cold (dingin) untuk menjelaskan kata benda water (air) dan adjective diletakkan sebelum kata benda.
Selain bisa diletakkan sebelum kata benda, adjective juga bisa ditempatkan setelah kata kerja tertentu (to be = is/am/are/was/were), look, appear, dsb)
1. The book is thick (buku itu tebal)
2. You look tired (kamu terlihat lelah)
Thick and tired adalah adjectives
Membentuk adjectives
Adjectives dapat dibentuk dari kata kerja dan kata benda dengan menambahkan akhiran –full, -less, -ish, -en, -ous, -some, -ive, -al, -able, dsb.
Kata sifat Poisonous (beracun) berasal dari kata benda poison (racun)
Kata sifat forgetful (pelupa) berasal dari kata kerja forget (melupakan)
Perhatikan perubahan kata-kata (words) di bawah ini menjadi kata sifat (adectives)
Word Adcjective
Accept Acceptable
Accident Accidental
Admire Admirable
Adventure Adventurous
Affection Affectionate
Anger Angry
Anxiety Anxious
Athlete Athletic
Attract Attractive
Beauty Beautiful
Bible Biblical
Boy Boyish
Care Careful
Caution Cautious
Centre Central
Change Changeable
Charity Charitable
Child Childish
Choir Choral
Choose Choosy
Circle Circular
Collect Collective
Comfort Comfortable
Compete Competitive
Continent Continental
Courage Courageous
Coward Cowardly
Craft Craftly
Crime Criminal
Critic Critical
Cruelty Cruel
Custom Customary
Danger Dangerous
Decide Decisive
Decorate Decorative
Describe Descriptive
Destroy Destructive
Disaster Disastrous
Distance Distant
Duty Dutiful
Energy Energetic
Enjoy Enjoyable
Faith Faithful
Fame Famous
Father Fatherly
Fault Faulty
Favour Favourable
Fire Fiery
Fool Foolish
Force Forceful
Forget Forgetful
Fortune Fortunate
Friend Friendly
Fury Furious
Giant Gigantic
Girl Girlish
Glory Glorious
Gold Golden
Grace Graceful
Habit Habitual
Harm Harmful
Hate Hateful
Heal Healthy
Heat Hot
Help Helpful
Hero Heroic
Hope Hopeful
Horror Horrible
Imagine Imaginary/imaginative
Industry Industrial/industrious
Joy Joyful
Law Lawful
Love Loveable
Luxury Luxurious
Man Manly
Marvel Marvellous
Mercy Merciful
Metal Metalic
Mischief Mischievous
Mountain Mountainous
Music Musical
Mystery Mysterious
Nation National
Nature Natural
Noise Noisy
North Northen
Notice Noticable
Obey Obedient
Occasion Occasional
Origin Original
Parent Parental
Patience Patient
Peace Peaceful
Person Personal
Picture Picturesque
Pity Pitiful
Please Pleasant
Poet Poetic
Poison Poisonous
Pride Proud
Prosper Prosperous
Quarrel Quarrelsome
Reason Reasonable
Science Scientific
Sence Sensible
Shade Shady
Silk Silky
Sister Sisterly
Skill Skillful
Smoke Smoky
Sorrow Sorrowful
South Southern
Spirit Spiritual
Storm Stormy
Study Studious
Success Successful
Sun Sunny
Talk Talkative
Terror Terrible
Thirst Thirsty
Thought Thoughtful
Tire Tiresome
Trouble Troublesome
Truth Truthful
Unite United
Value Valuable
Victory Victorious
Volcano Volcanic
War Warlike
Water Watery
Wave Wavy
West Western
Winter Wintry
Wit Witty
Wood Wooden
Wool Woolen
Year Yearly
Youth Young
Verb (kata kerja) adalah kata yang menunjukkan atau menggambarkan suatu tindakan.
1. The girl buys apples every morning (gadis itu membeli apel setiap pagi).
2. The dog ran after the cat (anjing itu mengejar kucing)
3. They are studying English in Monash University (mereka sedang belajar bahasa Inggris di Universitas Monash).
4. We met him two years ago in London
Buys (membeli), ran after (mengejar), are studying ( sedang belajar) dan met (bertemu) adalah kata-kata yang menggambarkan tindakan yang dilakukan.
Sekarang perhatikan verbs di bawah ini.
1. I do my homework everyday (saya mengerjakan PR saya setiap hari)
2. I am doing my homework now (saya sedang mengerjakan PR saya sekarang)
3. I did my homework yesterday (saya mengerjakan PR saya kemarin)
4. I have already done my homework (saya telah mengerjakan PR saya)
Keempat verbs dalam kalimat tersebut memiliki makna yang sama yaitu mengerjakan. Namun demikian, bentuknya berlainan; do, doing, did, done, dan digunakan untuk bentuk waktu (tense) yang berlainan pula.
Do (V1) pada kalimat pertama, adalah bentuk simple present tense
Pada kalimat kedua, do berubah menjadi doing, adalah bentuk present continous tense
Pada kalimat ketiga, do berubah menjadi did (V2), adalah bentuk past tense
Pada kalimat ketiga, do berubah menjadi done (V3) adalah bentuk present perfect tense.
Penjelasan tentang masing-masing tense dan kegunaannya sudah ada di topik atau forum diskusi grup GW GREAT.
Membentuk Verbs
Verbs dapat dibentuk dari jenis kata lain dengan menambahkan akhiran atau mengubah huruf-huruf vokal di dalamnya.
Dari kata sifat, sharp (tajam) kita dapat memperoleh kata kerja sharpen (menajamkan).
Dari kata benda, food (makanan) kita dapat memperoleh kata kerja feed (memberi makan).
Verbs juga dapat dibentuk dari kata lain dengan menambahkan awalan en-, be-, akhiran –en, -ize, dan lain sebagainya. Perhatikan perubahan kata-kata berikut ini menjadi verbs.
Words Verbs
Able Enable
Angry Anger
Bath Bathe
Beauty Beautify
Belief Believe
Black Blacken
Blood Bleed
Breath Breathe
Bright Brighten
Calm Becalm
Camp Encamp
Certain Ascertain
Cheap Cheapen
Circle Encircle
Civil Civilize
Clean Cleanse/clean
Clear Clarify
Cloth Clothe
Colony Colonize
Company Accompany
Critic Criticize
Custom Customize
Danger Endanger
Dark Darken
Deed Do
Deep Deepen
Drama Dramatize
Electric Electrify
Equal Equalize
False Falsify
Fast Fasten
Fat Fatten
Fertile Fertilize
Fine Refine
Food Feed
Force Enforce
Freedom Free
Friend Befriend
Full Fill
Glad Gladden
Joy Enjoy
Just Justify
Knee Kneel
Large Enlarge
Less Lessen
Liberty Liberate
Light Lighten
Liquid Liquify
Lively Enliven
Long Longthen
Loose Loosen
Loss Lose
Low Lower
Obedience Obey
Peace Pacify
Pleasure Plese
Proof Prove
Pure Purify
Pursuit Pursue
Quick Quicken
Relief Relieve
Rich Enrich
Roll Enroll
Sad Sadden
Safe Save
Sharp Sharpen
Short Shorten
Sight See
Simple Simplify
Slave Enslave
Soft Soften
Solid Solidify
Song Sing
Speech Speak
Strong Strengthen
Success Succeed
Sweet Sweeten
Sympathy Sympathize
Tale Tell
Terror Terrorize/terrify
Tight Tighten
Unity Unify
Vacant Vacate
Wide Widen
1. The girl buys apples every morning (gadis itu membeli apel setiap pagi).
2. The dog ran after the cat (anjing itu mengejar kucing)
3. They are studying English in Monash University (mereka sedang belajar bahasa Inggris di Universitas Monash).
4. We met him two years ago in London
Buys (membeli), ran after (mengejar), are studying ( sedang belajar) dan met (bertemu) adalah kata-kata yang menggambarkan tindakan yang dilakukan.
Sekarang perhatikan verbs di bawah ini.
1. I do my homework everyday (saya mengerjakan PR saya setiap hari)
2. I am doing my homework now (saya sedang mengerjakan PR saya sekarang)
3. I did my homework yesterday (saya mengerjakan PR saya kemarin)
4. I have already done my homework (saya telah mengerjakan PR saya)
Keempat verbs dalam kalimat tersebut memiliki makna yang sama yaitu mengerjakan. Namun demikian, bentuknya berlainan; do, doing, did, done, dan digunakan untuk bentuk waktu (tense) yang berlainan pula.
Do (V1) pada kalimat pertama, adalah bentuk simple present tense
Pada kalimat kedua, do berubah menjadi doing, adalah bentuk present continous tense
Pada kalimat ketiga, do berubah menjadi did (V2), adalah bentuk past tense
Pada kalimat ketiga, do berubah menjadi done (V3) adalah bentuk present perfect tense.
Penjelasan tentang masing-masing tense dan kegunaannya sudah ada di topik atau forum diskusi grup GW GREAT.
Membentuk Verbs
Verbs dapat dibentuk dari jenis kata lain dengan menambahkan akhiran atau mengubah huruf-huruf vokal di dalamnya.
Dari kata sifat, sharp (tajam) kita dapat memperoleh kata kerja sharpen (menajamkan).
Dari kata benda, food (makanan) kita dapat memperoleh kata kerja feed (memberi makan).
Verbs juga dapat dibentuk dari kata lain dengan menambahkan awalan en-, be-, akhiran –en, -ize, dan lain sebagainya. Perhatikan perubahan kata-kata berikut ini menjadi verbs.
Words Verbs
Able Enable
Angry Anger
Bath Bathe
Beauty Beautify
Belief Believe
Black Blacken
Blood Bleed
Breath Breathe
Bright Brighten
Calm Becalm
Camp Encamp
Certain Ascertain
Cheap Cheapen
Circle Encircle
Civil Civilize
Clean Cleanse/clean
Clear Clarify
Cloth Clothe
Colony Colonize
Company Accompany
Critic Criticize
Custom Customize
Danger Endanger
Dark Darken
Deed Do
Deep Deepen
Drama Dramatize
Electric Electrify
Equal Equalize
False Falsify
Fast Fasten
Fat Fatten
Fertile Fertilize
Fine Refine
Food Feed
Force Enforce
Freedom Free
Friend Befriend
Full Fill
Glad Gladden
Joy Enjoy
Just Justify
Knee Kneel
Large Enlarge
Less Lessen
Liberty Liberate
Light Lighten
Liquid Liquify
Lively Enliven
Long Longthen
Loose Loosen
Loss Lose
Low Lower
Obedience Obey
Peace Pacify
Pleasure Plese
Proof Prove
Pure Purify
Pursuit Pursue
Quick Quicken
Relief Relieve
Rich Enrich
Roll Enroll
Sad Sadden
Safe Save
Sharp Sharpen
Short Shorten
Sight See
Simple Simplify
Slave Enslave
Soft Soften
Solid Solidify
Song Sing
Speech Speak
Strong Strengthen
Success Succeed
Sweet Sweeten
Sympathy Sympathize
Tale Tell
Terror Terrorize/terrify
Tight Tighten
Unity Unify
Vacant Vacate
Wide Widen
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